{C H A P T E R O N E}

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*Caseys POV* 

My phone buzzed and I grabbed it, Izzie looked up at me from my lap "who wants to talk to you?" I looked at my phone to see a text from my mom, I looked down at Izzie and replied with "Elsa", "Well what did she want?", Izzie asked me "Meh." I replied, "Well she's your mom...Reply babe-" I cut her off "Wait, BABE? We're doing nicknames now?" She looked up at me cutely "If your co- Shit-No-She's not-" We both heard the sound of a door open, "Hide Bub!" I whispered in her ear. We both grabbed all our stuff shoved it off her bed, rolled off her bed holding hands and I covered her mouth to make sure she wouldn't make a noise but I could see her silently giggle.

*Izzie's POV*

I knew she was here but I couldn't help but try to giggle which was nearly impossible because of little Miss Casey Dam Gardner pushing her hand hard against my lips. We sat next to my window for a few minutes before I looked out my window to see my mom's car still in the driveway, it was still there, Maybe she was staying for a while...'Wait, No, Who am talking about, This is my mom we're talking about, She'll be gone in less than 10.' I thought to myself.

A few minutes later I was proven COMPLETELY wrong, I hadn't heard her car pull out of the driveway and I was wondering when she would, and if she would. I hopped up and Casey held up her hand for me to help her up but I placed my hands on my hips and triumphantly whispered: "Answer my question, Missy!", "Ok, Yes we are using nicknames...That is if I heard you correctly before..." She told me "Well maybe you did, maybe you didn't.." We both giggled quietly and I helped her up carefully. 

*Casey's POV*

Iz pointed to me and made a house gesture and I nodded, She pointed to her window and gestured crawl I nodded and we started to pack our backpacks, I threw some things other than sports bras and socks at her so that she could survive at least a few weeks at my place.

I grabbed one of Izzies 3 bags and my own bag before we carefully opened the window while Izzie made sure her mom wasn't coming into her room. We did one last check of the room and Iz grabbed a stuffie, Gave me a nod, and we crawled out the window and down the street. I called my mom and she came to pick us up at a nearby park.

*Izzie's POV*

I threw all my stuff into Elsas Trunk and we headed home. "Got Everything Izzie? You know you can stay at our place as long as you want.", Elsa reassured me. I smiled but words just wouldn't come out of my mouth, I looked up at my wonderful girlfriend and she knew what I meant. Casey smiled at me before saying "Yep, Everything." She grabbed my knee and rubbed my thigh with her thumb. I looked down at Casey's hand and then up at her, Then Elsa asked: "You comfy back there girls? We have 10 minutes till home" "Great, It'll feel good to be home" I said, without thinking, "Yeah, Home" Casey said as I rested my head on her shoulder feeling sleepy.

*Casey's POV*

With like what, 4 minutes to go? Izzie was asleep on my shoulder and my head was on top of hers and I was seconds away from falling asleep. I whispered to Elsa; "Can you drive around the block till she wakes up, shes been Through a lot lately...I really don't wanna wake her, she needs some rest right now." "Already one step ahead of you Case" Elsa replied. She turned into the old abandoned parking lot right around the corner from our place. I looked up at Elsa and for the first time in a while, I actually smiled at her as I fell asleep on the love of my life's shoulder while Elsa drove around the car parking lot.

*Izzie's POV*

I woke up to Casey sitting next to me on her phone and Elsa I can only assume playing music from her headphones and driving around the old parking lot Casey and I would drive around and sometimes race around on the rare occasion I woke up at 4 AM with Casey. I nudged her thigh with my elbow to let her know I was awake. She nudged me back to let me know she understood what I meant. She went to tap Elsa to let her know to head home but I just wanted to snuggle a little longer in the moonlight, so I grabbed her arm and pulled it towards me so I could snuggle against her arm for a few minutes at least.

*Casey's POV*

I was going to tell my mom to take us home, but Iz grabbed my arm and she clearly wanted to cuddle. So we did, For a little bit before we kissed, and SOMEHOW Elsa heard our lips separate over her music and looked into the back to see me and my girl looking into each other's eyes before she said "Ok! Glad your up Izzie!" I got you these while you both were snoring. She handed back two Root Beer Mega Slurpees!" They were a little melted but good nonetheless, "I heard you liked these, and I figured you could use an energy boost." She also handed back two packets of mnm's before saying "If you want 'em". Izzie and I just stared at each other and laughed. "Hometime then?" Izzie said in her soft sleepy voice that I loved so much. "Yes! Hometime-a-roo!" Elsa Exclaimed, I sighed and thought to myself 'Elsa ruins everything'

AN: Would you guys want updates in between each chapter? For suggestions, leaks, and updates? Just an idea, Please leave your thoughts in the comments! I hope you loved this first chapter!

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