{C H A P T E R F O U R}

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-The next morning, 7 AM-

*Casey's POV*

I scroll on Instagram while constantly checking on Iz to make sure she's ok, She's still my girl at the end of the day, and not only that but I hate to see her sad and yesterday was...to say the least...traumatic. Iz rolls over, I look down to make sure everything is ok. Then I see something that kinda shocked me, although I should be keeping track at this point so I don't always have to randomly bolt out all the time. But nonetheless, I did, I got up. I already had a half-decent outfit on so I threw my hair up, grabbed my keys, and headed out.

"I'm taking Dad's car," I tell Elsa

"Alright Case, is Izzie ok?"

"Yeah she's fine, Well while she's sleeping, Can I take your card?"

"Sure, But what are you getting?"

I'm not sure exactly what I'm gonna get so I just reply with a simple

"Taco Bell and a basket with some chocolate and stuff"

Understanding what I mean she nods and points towards the entryway table where her card and purse are sitting. I grab them and run out the door, I don't have a lot of time. 


I grab a basket and bolt to the sweets aisle, I know what my girlfriend loves, Twinkies, Twirls, MnM's, and Snickers, I chuck a few of each in my basket. Then I go and grab a hot water bottle, THAT'S what she'll need. I make sure it's ok and in good condition, It is. 

"Ok! Great!" I say to myself as I bolt over to the cashier

I put all the items on the counter as Elsa texts me

[Elsa👹]I think Izzies up, Is everything ok with her?

[Case ❤]Yeah, But if I know my girl she won't be up to talking to anyone for a little while

[Elsa👹]Ok, I hope everything is ok with 'Your Girl'

[Case ❤]Shut up. 

"Just these thanks," I say to the cashier

"Ok," She says as she flips her hair, Clearly flirting with me

As to let her know I'm taken I grab my phone and say

"Hello, girlfriend!" As if I'm on a call. She doesn't seem to notice or care.

"Give me a sec babe," I say

She hands me my bags and I RUN out of the store


I pull up to taco bell and order 2 crunch wrap supreme meals with coke for me and pink lemonade for Iz. I get home and chuck Elsa's stuff on the table. Elsa points upstairs, meaning Iz is up there. I head upstairs to find her not in our room, I check the bathrooms, Shes not in sam's bathroom. Then I hear the shower running. She's In my bathroom. I leave the bag of stuff at the end of my bed and I knock on the bathroom door as I say,

"Baby? Bub? Can I come in please?" 

I hear a small grunt, I'm guessing that means yes.

I head in the door to see her in the shower, I sit on the ledge and open the cabinet to my right. 

"Pads, Tampons, or Period Underwear?" I ask

"Undies," She says seeming down.

I put them in with the clothes she's gathered for herself in the basket next to the shower door which Izzie then opened and poked her head out

"Thank you love bug," Izzie says to me cutely

"No worries sweets. Hot water bottle and Netflix?"

"Yes please I'll be out in 10 ish"

"Ok, Love you"

"Love you too Case"


-A few hours later-

Iz and I snuggle on our bed while 'Brooklyn Nine Nine' Season 4 Episode 7 plays on full volume from my laptop. Iz has the butterfly hot water bottle on her stomach and a few candy bar wrappers lay around us. I open my mouth and look up at her, She throws an MnM into my mouth. I give her a sweet look. We laugh at a Jake and Amy scene and I reposition my legs that are currently resting on her lap.

"Izzie baby?" I plead to her to pay me attention...

"Yes?..." Izzie finally says after a few moments as she moves the hot water bottle to her side

I take this opportunity to swivel around and put my head up against your stomach,

"Your belly's warm" I say as I giggle a little.

I kiss her belly and she giggles as someone knocks on the door

"Come in" I say

"You girls good in here? Casey? Izzie?" says Elsa poking her head through the door

We both nod and Izzie puts the hot water bottle back on her stomach.

"Awwww...No more belly kisses then?" I say as Elsa backs out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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