Chapter 21

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Winter's POV

Days passed. Nothing from Calum.

It seemed like each day became darker and more difficult to get through.

It was the same routine every day. Walk to school alone, spend the school day alone, walk home alone. It was getting pretty lonely.

I was honestly hurt. It felt as if someone had ripped my heart out and thrown it on the ground.

It sounds pathetic that I'm hurt; I wasn't dating Calum. I had never even kissed him. I just got excited at the thought that he might care about me as much as I had cared about him.

I was home alone on Friday night because my parents had gone out. I had barely spoken to them all week, especially my father. I spent the night watching various movies on TV and eating, alone.

I heard knocking at the front door. I put set the bowl of popcorn to the side of myself on the couch and paused the movie, wondering who would come to my house at eight 'o clock on a Friday night.

I cautiously unlocked the door and opened it. Calum was standing there.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked, acting unusually shy.

"Go away," I mumbled, attempting to shut the door.

"Hey," he exclaimed, stopping the door from closing.

"Why are you here Calum?"

"To talk to you."

"Listen, Calum. I know you've been with Kate. I know you don't want to fight for me or anything so can we just forget this, forget everything?" I asked, leaning against the door.

"How did you-"

"I saw you. I drove to your house to talk to you, because you know, I had a little faith you actually cared about me. And there you guys were, sucking face."

"It was a misunderstanding," Calum defended.

"No, I think our friendship was a misunderstanding. You didn't care about me so can you stop pretending that you did?" I snapped at him.

"I did care about you. I still do. A lot," he answered, analyzing my face.

"Friendship-dumping me by text? That's great."

"I'm doing it for you, Winter. Everyone hates me and thinks I'm an asshole. I don't want you associated with that; you're better than that. You make me want to be better than that. I don't want to get you in trouble with your parents. And Kate, I don't know. I was really upset and stuff and she just threw herself at me. But I'm not dating-"

"Just leave," I mumbled.

"Winter, please," he begged.

"I'm done," I whispered, almost inaudible.

I slammed the door in his face and leaned on it, my back against the door.

"The whole time I was kissing her I could only think of you," Calum shouted from outside of the door.

I leaned on the door, not saying anything.

"Maybe you're afraid someone might actually love you," he shouted again, and this time I knew he had left. My back slid down the wall.


I sat on the floor by the door in the dark, where the only light was from the Christmas tree and the paused television screen.

I stood up and opened the door, tugging my cardigan across my chest as I ran outside after Calum.

"Did you just say you love me?" I shouted.

He turned around looking at me, his short breaths dissipating into the air like clouds of smoke.

"I guess I did," he answered from the end of the driveway.

I stood there, shocked. He gazed back at me for a few seconds, and then kept walking to his car.

I wished he had came back. I wish he had kissed me, twirled me, despite everything that was happening.

A boy just told me he loved me, and hat was the only phrase that kept replaying in my head.

I watched his tail lights disappear around the corner.

When I stopped staring at where he drove away and became too cold, I went back inside and sat, thinking and thinking.

He loved me?


And why?

Calum Thomas Hood loves me. It seemed surreal.

But now, it just seemed pointless. My father didn't want us together. He didn't want to ruin my reputation. He kept his distance. As of right now, the words disappeared into the thin air as quick as his breath.

And again. I had the image of him kissing Kate burned into my memory. The way he told me he couldn't see me anymore; over text.

I wanted to hit him, but then I wanted to hug him. I wanted to talk to him but I wanted to ignore him. I sat in my room for hours trying to make sense of all of this.

But trying to make sense of this was harder than anything.

///// oh man this part got me. I listened to au revoir by one republic, faux by novo amor and ed tullet and I found by Amber run while writing this to get me in the writing zone

but omg what's gonna happen anyways thanks for the reads guyth like and vote


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