Chapter 8

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Winter's POV

I sat cross-legged on my quilted comforter on my bed, reading The Odyssey by Homer. Some of the poems were boring, but they fascinated me at the same time.

School had let out for Thanksgiving break, and I was relieved I could finally have some time to sleep in.

I glanced at Calum's black coat hanging on my wooden desk chair. I had walked home with him and he still insisted that I wear it so I wouldn't get cold. I'll admit, I will miss walking with him to and from school over the break.

"Winter!" My mother shouted up the stairs, "You have a visitor!"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Who would be here to see me?

I stood up on my cold hardwood floor and looked in the mirror. I brushed through my blonde hair with my fingers and smoothed my light brown sweater.

I walked down the stairs to see Stevie standing in the doorway with her hands in her pockets.

"Hey Winter," she said, with a hint of guilt in her voice.

"Hi," I said blankly.

"I wanted to apologize, I was a bitch earlier, so I'm sorry," she tucked a strand of black hair behind her heavily pierced ear.

"Thanks," I smiled, satisfied that she had apologized.

"But Winter," her voice softened, "I'm genuinely concerned for you. He's dangerous."

"Oh my God, you realize you're totally contradicting your apology!" I raise my voice.

"He's going to hurt you, Winter. He's dangerous. He's an asshole. Don't you see how he behaves? Why are you even associating with him?" She shouts.

"First of all, you don't even know him. I've known him for three days and I know more than you ever will. So kiss my ass, Stevie Summers. There's the door!" I shouted, pointing at the front door.

Stevie looked at me with hurt and anger in her eyes, and she spun to walk out the door and slammed it. I stood there on the stairs, gritting my teeth. I could feel the anger burning in my chest as I breathed in and out.

I ran up the stairs to my room, slamming my door. Stevie was my best friend, why was she being like this? She didn't know him like I did. I know that sounds insane because it's only been three days, but it was true.

Calum wasn't the trouble maker he got in at school, he was the caring guy that insisted I kept his coat even though he was probably freezing.

And I wish that others could see that Calum.

Winter // Calum Hood (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now