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When me and Johnson were finally ready to go, we got in the car and left for Kian's party

We arrived to a giant mansion with hundreds of people walking in and out of the house. We parked the car and walked in and got past the bouncer by giving him our names. When we walked in it took us a while to look for our friends and found them all in a corner near the bar

"Whats good G?" Sam said giving me a high five

"Hey Wilk, seen Serena?" I asked

"Yeah I think she's on the dance floor, I dunno," he said shrugging

"Thanks," I said screaming over the music

As I was walking to look for Serena, a load of girls came up looking for photos, and I couldn't turn them down so i got into a couple with them and continued walking. When I reached the dance floor to my shock I saw Cameron dry humping Serena while dancing. I didn't bother talking to her I was so shocked, I stormed off angrily and headed back to where Sam, Johnson, Kian, Lia, JC, Mahogany, Aaron and some Blonde were

"Did you find her?" Sammy asked

"Who cares," I said knocking back a shot

He looked surprised and wrapped his arm around some brunette I've never seen before

"Gilinsky right?" The blonde asked me

"Sadly," I nodded

"Well I'm Vanessa," she said

"Cool.." I slurred not caring about anything about her

She laughed an annoying laugh and sat on my lap, The alcohol was getting to my head so I didn't care as much as I would have if I was sober. This chick wasn't even good looking, she was the type of Barbie doll that wears about 50 layers of make up and has almost fake everything - not my type of girl but right now I was so pissed at Serena and Cam that I didn't care who it was I needed to make Serena jealous

When she walked back to where we were all standing and drinking, she was drink off her mind, after she gave Sam a hug she started yelling at me for hanging out with Vanessa, I rolled my eyes and she went to get another drink

"Let's dance!" She screeched and dragged me to the floor

I started dancing emotionless as she sang along to all the words enthusiastically, all I could think about was Serena and Cam. Cameron was one of my bestfriends? Why was he doing this? My thoughts were interrupted as Serena came storming up to us and pushed Vanessa out of the way to yell at me

"What the fuck?" She said staring at the girl

"What? So you can dance with Cameron and I can't dance with Vanessa?" I yelled over the music and off she went again. I told Vanessa I was tired of dancing and we went back to talk to Sam and his new chick

Whenever I said anything almost near to funny the girl laughed, and halfway through our conversation with the two girls and Sammy, The brown haired girl and Sam started making out right in front of us. I guess the blonde who was siting on my lap got into it, so she grabbed my hand and took me upstairs

"I gotta go to the toilet, be right back," she said using Kian's bedroom bathroom as I sat on the bed checking twitter again. Someone posted a picture of JC and Lia making out and the fans were going crazy, I turned off my phone and rolled my eyes

When she came back out she sat on my lap and kissed me on my cheek

"Wanna get fun?" She whispered into my ear

"I'm kind of tired.." I said shaking my head but she leaned in anyway to kiss her cracked lips over mine, it was the worst and most awkward kiss I've ever witnessed but yet again - too drunk to even react to it

While I was daydreaming and not listening to anything she was saying while sitting on my lap someone opened the door and I threw the girl off of me - it was Serena

"Serena it's not what it looks like!" I yelled as her eyes teared up and she ran down the stairs full speed with me trying to keep up with her

"Fuck, fuck, fuck fuck fuck," I kept muttering as I pushed past all of the people

This was the worst situation to be in oh my god. Cameron started running up behind me but I didn't have time to react to that right now. She wasn't looking where she was going because she was locked with the alcohol but she was charging toward a main road, I ran as fast as my legs could take me as she turned around and lost balance

"I swear it's not what it looked like, let me explain!" I kept saying repeatedly while tears ran down her soft cheeks

"I don't need an explanation," she said still crying - it killed me to see her so upset and my heart was in my stomach

"Please Serena, I wouldn't do that," I said holding her arm so she wouldn't run away again

"You knew damn well what you were doing, you knew damn well who you were breaking," she said and my heart snapped in half when she spoke those words - still trying to catch her breath

"Stop please Serena, let's just talk about this?"

She struggled to get out of my grasp and I stupidly let go, the biggest regret of my life was letting her go, letting her run in front of a moving car

Brothers Best Friend Jack Gilinsky :)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon