Cameron Dallas

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Me and Cameron's conversation lasted an hour and a half and probably wasted loads of our credit but I didn't care, he made me feel special and was really funny, but not quite the way Jack made me feel

I did like him, and I called him over to watch a movie even though he lived quite far away, but in the car it didn't take too long to get to my house. I flicked through Netflix to check what movies they were recommending and felt like watching something like a comedy but also romantic. I was looking at the description for 'Just my Luck', when the doorbell rang. I jumped off the couch forgetting about my leg and collapsing onto the floor. I moaned loudly as I held onto my leg, I could feel a sharp pain in my ankle and Cameron came running in to help me up

"Sorry for barging in, I heard you screaming though," he said with eyes of panic

"It's fine, I'm fine, thanks for helping me," I said grinning as he laid me on the couch and put a blanket over me while he ran back out to shut the door

"Look what I brought," he said excitedly as he held out a box of 'dunked donuts', I literally screamed since they are my favourite sweet things to eat ever

"What do you wanna watch Dallas," I said munching on a pink iced donut - I had a bad habit of calling people by their second names

"Hmm.. How about this one?" He said pointing to a movie with Jennifer Lopez, 'The Backup Plan'. I had never seen the movie and we decided to watch it together. I couldn't help notice that he was about 5 centimetres away from my face, and couldn't concentrate on the film at all, all I could think about was making out with him right there.

Oh Jesus Serena, no. You don't like Cameron, you like Jack. Oh wait.. Jack cheated on you. No wait maybe go for Cameron. But what about Taylor? Maybe since me and Jack are taking a break I should go to Taylor? Since he was always trying to flirt with me? But what about Nash! Oh my gosh Nash, maybe I should have called him after the accident. I wouldn't be surprised if he was happy that I got into a crash though

My brain rushed with all sorts of thoughts until I figured it out. I like Cameron, screw the rest of the stupid thoughts in my brain. I decided to stop listening to my heart and go along with what my brain thinks

"I'm so tired," I said rubbing my eyes and lying down on his stomach, I could feel his abs as he tenses. I looked up at him and he smiled a gorgeous smile before I drifted off


Serena looked so cute as she drifted off to sleep on my stomach. We were watching 'The Backup Plan' and I rested my head against the couch to fall asleep

What felt like a dream moments later, a loud buzzing noise echoed through the hall and into the sitting room, I jumped up in alarm and ran to where the noise was coming from

"Hello?" I asked with a groggy voice into the phone that was making the noise

"Hello Matt?" A woman on the other line asked confused

"No, em its Serena and Matts friend Cameron," I said while rubbing my eyes

"Oh, Hello Cameron, sorry for calling at 1 o'clock in the morning," she said laughing and I fake laughed politely

"Yeah haha, well Serena is asleep, do you want me to take a message?" I asked walking around in circles talking on the phone - it's a habit

"Yes please, would you mind telling her that I'll be staying in a hotel with her father for the night and will be back at 2pm tomorrow," she said and i nodded, not realising that she couldn't see me

"Oh yeah of course," I said shaking my head - now fully awake

"Okay, thanks so much dear. Goodbye," she said before hanging up, I'm guessing that was their mom

Since I was fully awake after I ended the call, I decided to make myself breakfast in the kitchen. I walked in and looked into a press that looked like somewhere to keep cereal. When I found the cereal I liked, which was the fruity loops, I poured them into a bowl and went to get a spoon. When I turned around I jumped as Serena stood at the door with her crutches as she laughed
"Hey, did I scare you?" She asked giggling

"Yess, oh my god, I thought you were asleep?" I said starting to laugh as she fell onto the floor

"You should have seen your face!" She said literally crying as she held her crutches in her hands on the floor

I started to laugh hysterically, not because I got a fright but she looked so funny just laying there on the floor. I couldn't breath and neither could she. When I finally caught my breath I crouched down to the ground with her and started tickling her

"CAMERON STOP!" She screamed as she laughed, even when she just woke up she looked so beautiful

I continued to tickle her and she screamed until she finally got out of my grasp and scooted on her bum toward where I left my cereal

"No don't touch my cereal!" I yelled as she munched the first couple of spoons into her mouth

"SERENA NOT THE FRUIT LOOPS!" I yelled as I chased after her

"Hey I can't run," she said looking sad as I took the cereal off her

I felt really sorry for her because the accident was my fault in a way, so I handed her back the cereal

"Ahahah just kidding Dallas," she said and smirked

"Your cute," I said pinching her cheek as I walked out of the kitchen to put on a movie

// who do ship? Jerena or Sameron?

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