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Today is my 17th birthday,
the day I finally meet my mate,
the day I take form of my wolf,
the day I meet my wolf...

To be completely honest I'm not overly excited about it all.
You want to know why,
Well first let me introduce myself, my name is Amelia Woods, but most people call Amy, well they used to....

Anyway I am the daughter of the
deceased Lilly and Damien Woods and hated twin sister to Landon Woods who also happens to be the soon to be beta.

I am obviously 17 today.
I have the dullest brown hair, dark brown almost black eyes, that are always filled with despair, misery and anger.

I have this scar on my left eyebrow that was caused by my brother.

Now you may be wondering what is this about deceased parents,,
well 5 years ago, when I was twelve
our pack, the dawn pack was viscously attacked by rogues and my parents, mainly my dad who was the beta at the time went out to fight the rogues.
It was a pretty scary day for everyone to say the least.

My twin brother Landon also fought the rogues.

This fight went on for a while but we had managed to win.

I was estactic to hear that we had won. I also thought that everyone had survived, so I went out to congratulate Landon. But he just started to yell at me for being happy... not knowing what was going on; I slapped him...

He didn't do anything, all he did was say " I hate you, how could you be happy when our parents are dead" and from that moment on he's hated me.

That also sparked some bullying and abuse from Landon, he even managed to get the whole pack in on it.

So now I'm considered to be the omega of the pack, also known as the rock bottom of wolf rankings apart from rogues.

"Amelia" I heard someone yell from the bottom floor of the pack house  "come here now".

It was Monday morning and I was just doing my daily morning pack work, that alpha Derek ordered me to do everyday because I was according to him a "worthless omega mutt" and even though I have strong beta blood coursing through my veins they don't care  they still treat me like crap  due to there immense hatred towards my being.

Alpha Derek is the alpha of the dawn pack, he's very handsome with shaggy brown hair and hazel eyes and very muscular build due to all the alpha training, And because of his, how shall I put it umm... "Sex God-ness" he kinda has this player reputation.
Rumours say that he as slept with 3 quarters of our school; Cross high and even some of the non-Wolves.

Derek also has been abusing me for several years now even though he's The alpha he doesn't really care as long as he hurts me he's fine.


Dropped my stuff and ran down the stairs not wanting to suffer through another beating from the other wolves when I came face to face my angry brother Landon holding up a broken hand mirror.

"Was it you who did this" he growled at me.

I conflicted on what to do, if I answered he wouldn't believe me and beat me up and if didn't he would just beat me up for not answering.

So I stayed quiet.

"Answer me you worthless mutt" he growled once again louder this time.

And once again I kept quiet.

"I bet it was you who did this, you know with your hideous face, ugh I can't even face you anymore you worthless mutt" he boomed throwing the mirror down in anger " and clean that up" he laughed as he pushed past me and walked towards the door.

I looked down at the floor seeing the broken pieces of the Mirror.
I knelt down and picked one up,
I looked at it and saw a girl,
A girl with dull messy brown hair; not like the sexy kind but the "I haven't showered in a week" kind and dark brown almost black eyes filled with sorrow and misery.
She had this scar on her left eye brow that made her look hideous.

(A/N WHEN WILL MY REFLECTION SHOW WHOO I AM INSIDDDDDDEEE... Sorry I like Mulan okay deal with it)

That girl was me, I looked at the girl thinking, why I am like this?
why was I ugly?
why do they do this to me?

I shook my head, snapping me out of my dangerous thoughts.

I checked my watch to see it was 8:15.
"Fuck school starts in 10 minutes" I cursed.

So I ran up to my room or the attic as you would call it and got dressed.
I was wearing a pair of pitch black ripped jeans, an old American Apparel sweatshirt and a worn out pair of black doc martens.

I put on my glasses
and grabbed my worn out satchel and ran down the stairs and out the doors.


Hey everyone what do you think bout the first chapter.
So yeah this a werewolf story where the girl gets rejected and stuff

Awfully cliche I know but bear with me.

You see I started this book a while back then.
I got into some shit and deleted it.
But then I read it and rekindled my obsession for mythical creatures.
But when I read I was like shit I didn't write this, sure it did have lots of mistakes but it was soo good.

So yeah, read comment vote
Thank you
Love youse all

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