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The following day, Chen went to the usual spot where he read his story, hoping to see Xiumin. After much patience, Xiumin was spotted walking in with two other guys. Chen's heart raced once again. Just as he was about to find Xiumin, the image of him kissing Xiumin floated to his mind. He halted in his steps. He did not have the courage to ask him more about last night. He was afraid of hurting his feelings... Scared of bringing up the horrible memories... But... 

Chen mustered his courage and walked to Xiumin. 

"X-Xiumin, can I have a short moment with you?" Chen asked. He could see that Xiumin was taken aback by his question but he still asked his two other friends to go ahead without him first. When the two friends left, Chen cleared his throat and asked him,"X-Xiumin, c-can we be friends?" Xiumin froze at that question, causing Chen to panicked. Did I say anything wrong? Chen thought as he broke into cold sweat. Just then, Xiumin began laughing. 

"Of course! You're Chen right? I heard you got some great talent for singing!" Xiumin replied as he placed a hand over Chen's shoulders. Chen blushed. Then, he asked,"Xiumin ah, since we are friends already, can we have a talk over something?" Xiumin gave a puzzled look as he nodded his head.

"About... About last night... At the pub, you were babbling something... Er about someone called... called Luhan,"  Chen asked. Upon hearing that, Xiumin's face turned red with embarrassment.

"You must have seen the weakest point of my life... Shouting for my ex lover to come back to me which wouldn't happen..." Xiumin sighed. Suddenly, Chen felt bad to have raised this topic.

"Er if you don't feel like sharing-"

"Oh no! I'm okay with sharing! Actually I want to share with someone... Lu-Luhan... is my ex lover... We were in love... LIke really... We always shared every stuffs that happened to each other... B-But until one day, he thought I betrayed him! I merely just hugged my friend who returned from a 10 year trip to London! Then, he suggested breaking up..." By the time Xiumin finished his words, tears had already fallen from his eyes. Chen could also feel his tears falling at the sight of Xiumin crying. Unknowingly, Chen placed his arm over Xiumin's shoulder to comfort him. In between sniffs and cries, Xiumin whispered a thanks to Chen. 

Then, they just sat beside each other, letting go all of their bottled feelings from the past. 

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