Unicorn Wonderland

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Kim is the human and Mazziee is the unicorn.

Mazziee is wandering around the forest. She ran into Kim, the unicorn hunter. Kim was searching for unicorns. Mazziee started to run away. She was starting to freak out. Kim started to run after mazziee the unicorn. Kim caught up to Mazziee. Mazziee tried to run her whole life, until Kim got nice. Kim decided that unicorns do not need to be killed. Kim yelled to the unicorn, "I want to be friends with you! I don't want to kill you anymore! Sorry for hunting you! Let's be friends?" The unicorn came back and said "Yay!!" Kim built a home for the unicorn. Kim surprised the unicorn. She was happy the unicorn said "neigh" and really happy. There was another unicorn hunter that tried to kill Kim the human for not completing her mission, but the unicorn sacrificed itself to save her. The hunter ran away thinking the unicorn would die, but Kim stopped Mazziee from dying by stopping her from bleeding.They have a big friendship and they will never be alone.

The end.

-- A 10 year old named Mazziee made this book


Please be nice!!

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