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Blake's POV

I didn't know how many hours had passed, but I was still leaning on the door outside of our room. After a while, Erin's sobs had stopped and I heard her footsteps approaching the door. I stood up immediately and waited for her to open up. When she did, she looked at me with her eyes all red and puffy. I enclosed her in a tight hug and burried my face on her neck. "I'm so sorry baby. Please don't cry anymore." I whispered while rubbing her back.

She pulled away and went back inside the room, me following closely behind. "Sit." She ordered and I followed. "Are you gonna tell me what happened now?" She asked while looking at me intently.

I stared back at her and held her hand. "I will, but I want to know first if you forgive me." Her eyebrows furrowed as I asked her. "Do you?"

She smiled a little. "You know I do. I just don't like it when you're taking me for granted." She muttered while looking down and biting her lips.

I held her chin and tilted her head up. "I didn't mean to. I'm sorry if that's what you felt. It's just that when it comes to talking about my family, it gets hard for me and I can't control my feelings. So, listen closely 'cause I'm just gonna tell you this once." I told her and looked away.

My family's story was something I would have wanted to keep for myself. I know that some people knew about it but as much as possible, I would have wanted to just never talk about it ever. But I made my promise to myself, and I'm gonna keep that promise for my mate.

Erin's POV

I can tell that Blake was forcing himself in telling me about his family. I wanted to tell him that it's okay for him not to do so, but I realized that it will always be a barrier for us if he didn't share it to me now. I held his arm and smiled encouragingly at him. He smiled back and started his story.

"You know why I was this angry with my mother?" He looked at me and took a deep breath before he continued. "I was fifteen back then when all this hate I had for her started. I just came home from a party that night, I was a party guy before you know." He laughed humorlessly.

"I was still downstairs but I already heard my Dad shouting. He was shouting at somebody to stop. I didn't know what he meant and what it was that he wanted to stop but I can feel the pain in his voice. I ran upstairs immediately and headed to their room. When I opened the door, I saw my father laying on the floor, bleeding to death. He had a huge wound in his chest."

His voice broke at the end of his sentence and I can feel his pain as he spoke. I just listened to him and continuously rubbed his arm. "I was shocked, I didn't know what happened. I noticed that my mom was there. You know what the best part is?" He paused and put his hands on his head.

"She was holding a dagger in her hand! How messed up was that huh?" He asked me and I saw tears leaking down his eyes. My heart broke at the sight of him like this and my eyes became watery too. "Who would have thought that someone can kill their own mate? She killed my dad Erin, she killed him! The guy that did nothing but love her whole-heartedly."

He took a deep breath and wiped his face before he continued. "That moment, I became an Alpha and the first thing I did was kick her out of the pack. I would have wanted to kill her but she was still my mother. She gave birth to me and that was the only reason I let her live." His tone was icy and nonetheless cold.

I held his hand and he looked at me then wiped the tears that trailed my face. "That was why I was sheltered. I always keep to myself and I only open up to a few people. I'm so sorry."

I swallowed back my tears and hugged him tight. "No, don't be. I was the one who's supposed to be sorry, I'm sorry that you had to go through that." I pulled back and cupped his cheeks. "I'm sorry that you had to relive it all just to tell me."

He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I had to. And it somehow feels nice to tell you about it." He led me to lay on the bed and I leaned on his chest as he enveloped me in a hug. We stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other's comfort. I sighed contentedly as I closed my eyes.

Blake's POV

It felt like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Telling Erin about my story was something I wish I would have done sooner before. As I held her sleeping figure in my arms, I can't help but smile to myself. A huge barrier between us has been taken off.

I knew that people think of me as the impassive and cold Alpha. I was responsible for why they thought of me like that anyways. I always distance myself to other people. I only talk with them if it's pack-related. Kent and John were the only friends that I had.

I had to act matured all the time because I wanted to be perfect. I always thought that if I acted that way, I would never be fooled and I would be happy.

"I love you." Erin murmured in her sleep as she snuggled closer to my chest. Her face was so innocent wihout any care in the world.

I pulled her tighter and kissed her forehead as I whispered. "I love you much more baby."

I never thought that having Erin by my side will bring me much more happiness than anything in the world. I know that what happened between my parents wouldn't happen between us. I trust her and I'm not afraid to fall deeper anymore.

Erin's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night with Blake's arm surrounding me. I stared at his sleeping face and smiled. He was beautiful gift that God has ever given me. He not only has a beautiful face, but a beautiful heart as well.

I thought of the things that he told me earlier. Who would have realized that Blake has been carrying all of those to himself? I can't help but wonder how could someone kill her own mate. Aren't mates supposed to protect and care for each other? Why would someone want to kill somebody that's gonna make her happy her whole life? I really don't know the reason that Blake's mom has but I know one thing for sure. I'm not gonna let that happen to Blake and I. I would give myself up anytime if it means protecting Blake.

With the things that were going on between us now, I know that he would be willing to do the same for me. My thoughts has been interrupted by the beep of my phone. I pulled away a little from Blake's grasp and took my phone out of the side table.

Visit us tommorrow lovebirds. We have a surprise.

I rolled my eyes as I read the text message that my mom sent me. Here we go again! I thought to myself. I turned off my phone and threw it back to the table. Tomorrow would surely be another annoying and awkward day. I glanced at Blake one more time and kissed his lips lightly then went back to a dreamless sleep.


A/N I'm sorry I took long to upload and if this chapter is a little short. I promise to make up for it next chapter. I just wanted to tell all of you guys that I'm really thankful and flattered for all the support you are all giving me considering that this was my first English story. Please continue the love and vote vote vote! :)

P.S ohh, this was my first author's note if you all noticed. Just saying. Haha. loveyou guys! <3

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