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Erin's POV

"Are you worried about David?" I asked Blake one night while we were lying in bed. He and Miranda had reconciled days ago, and Miranda has been living with us ever since.

Blake stopped playing with my hair and shifted his positon to face me. "I am not. I know that I, as well as the pack, can take him down any moment he attacks." He answered confidently.

I nodded my head. "I just don't want you searching for him to seek revenge." I muttered seriously while looking at him in the eye.

Blake noticed my serious expression and kissed me in the forehead. "I won't, I promise. I'm happy now especially after straightening it out with Mom." He muttered and hugged me.

I rested my head on his chest and snuggled closer. "I am too." I answered truthfully.

Blake took my head in his hands and kissed the tip of my nose. "It's because you believed in her. And for that, I'm thankful. I love you." He muttered and moved to kissing my lips.I reponded at his kiss with passion.His hand drifted from my arm to the waistband of my jeans. I gasped, his warm touch soothing me, driving me crazy. Laying me down, he positioned himself so as not to crush me. He brought his lips down to my neck, teasing me so. I moaned in the back of my throat.

"Blake, just kiss me..." I moaned and pleaded at the same time. We never became this heated up before and it's driving me wild.

"And spoil the moment?" He chuckled a throaty laugh. "Why would I do that?"

His hand traced up from my waistband to my navel and back down, but he didn't stop at the top of my jeans. He let his hand fall in-between my thighs, outside of my pants and I inhaled sharply.

Such reward... Such punishment...

"Blake...," I moaned.

"I love hearing my name escape from your lips." He murmured while biting the edges of my ear.

I thrusted my hips upwards as he rubbed my jeans. I was soaked already. He was teasing me. That wasn't fair. Smirking, I grabbed his shoulders and flipped him over, so that he was underneath me. I tore open his shirt, the buttons spilling on the floor, exposing his beautifully bare chest. I trailed my nail along, up to his face, and down to the V-shape, leading to his hips.

He grabbed my hand, stopping me. "Are you sure about this, Erin?"

"I'm positive," I whispered.

He let go and I kissed him again breathlessly.

Blake's POV

She was amazing.

I kissed every single inch of her beautiful, slender, strong, frail body. She whispered quietly and I pulled her bottoms off, exposing her white lace panties. When I took off her blouse, I found a matching bra.

She smiled sheepishly, but her eyes were as fierce as a wolf. "Are you scared, Blake?" she tested.She was teasing me.

I smirked confidently and played with her legs, leading up to the white cloth. She thrusted her hips as my hand touched her entrance. Dear God.

Sliding my hand inside of her panties, I felt how ready she was. It excited me.

"Blake. Before I finish... Please...," she murmured.

That gave me a push. I slid my jeans off and a condom on. Pulling off every single piece of clothing in the way and made love to my beautiful Erin.

My beautiful mate.


"Wake up sleepyhead." I whispered in Erin's ear. Last night had been the best night of my life not only because Erin gave her body to me but because now, we are fully mated and the bond that we have now is truly unbreakeable.

She stirred a little and hooked her arms on my neck, making me fall back to bed. "Sleep." She ordered with her eyes still closed.

I chuckled and showered her face with kisses. "It's already noon, babe. You have to get up. We're going somewhere." I kissed the tip of her nose one last time and stood up.

Erin groaned and threw away the blanket. "Where are we going?" She asked while yawning.

"That is a surprise. Now, get ready. I'll wait for you downstairs." I told her and got out of the room. I was halfway through the stairs when I ran into my mom.

"Morning honey. Had a good night?" She asked with a wink.

I shook my head and smiled. Of course she would know what happened last night, stupid werewolf senses. "Yeahh.." I answered awkwardly.

My mom messed my hair and laughed. "Aw, my boy is all grown up. I'm happy you got an amazing mate." She muttered.

"I know, I am lucky." I muttered sincerely. Erin has been the best mate a guy could ever have and for that, I wanted her to be mine forever officially. "Mom, I need to ask you a favor." I know what I was gonna to might be too soon but I really wanted this. I wanted Erin to be with me forever. Officially.

Miranda's POV

To say that I was happy was an understatement. I was ecstatic. Life has been good for me this past week and I couldn't ask for anything more. Blake had asked for a favor though and I'm more than willing to grant it. I knocked on the door of their room and got in. "I'll be out in a minute." I heard Erin shout from the bathroom. I sat down on the bed and waited for her.

Moments later, she got out already dressed. "Oh hi, I thought you were Blake." She stated.

"He already left, he said that he'd meet you at the pack house."

Erin rolled her eyes and huffed. "He said we'd go somewhere but then he left me."

I chuckled and walked closer to her. "Don't worry, I think he's planning a surprise." I know I shouldn't have but I can't help but drop a hint. "Oh by the way,.." I took the box out of my pocket and handed it to her. "This is for you."

She took it and opened. "It's pretty." She muttered when she saw what's inside. It was a necklace that has been given to me by Blake's grandmother.

I took it and put it on her. "This is a family heirloom given to me by Blake's grandmother. Now, I'm giving it to you. Welcome to the family Erin." I muttered and smiled.

She hugged me and smiled back. "Thank you so much. This means a lot." She held the pendant of the necklace and looked at me thoughtfully.

I patted her arm and kissed her on the cheek. "Now go, Blake is waiting for you." She nodded and got out of the room. I can't help but smile. After today, I know Blake will be the happiest man. I just hope everything will go as planned.

A/N: Hey guys, thanks for patiently waiting. OMG, they mated! Yahoo.. This story has been co-written with BeautifullyGold. You should check their story out. It's called Sex, Love and other Mishaps. 

Anyway, I know this chapter looks rushed. I just had to. I have so many things in store for this story. I also appreciate all your comments guys! You all make me feel loved and for that, I am grateful. Don't forget to vote and comment guys! thanks :)

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