How Gaston could have returned in season 3

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Delfi: So how long are you staying?

Gaston: Uhm, that is a bit more complicated.

Matteo: How? You told me that you got a week off, aren't you going back after that?

Gaston: You are really putting me on the spot here aren't you. I was hoping to have private chat with Nina about this first, but...

Nina: What do you mean? Is everything alright?

Gaston: Everything is, this is why I wanted to talk to you first, but now that we're here...

Nina: You are breaking up with me, aren't you?

Gaston: Nina, Nina, Look at me. You know very well that I'm not capable of doing that. Now can I talk?

Matteo: Ok, so tell us, you already got us all spooked.

Gaston: I'm not going back to Oxford, I'm staying here.

Everyone: What?

Delfi: What do you mean that you are staying?

Jazmin: Did you get expelled?

Gaston: No, I didn't get expelled. Ok, so I'll tell you the whole story. My professor in my
economics class also runs a big global company. They offered me a student internship in that company's branch in Buenos Aires.

Matteo: So you are giving up Oxford?

Gaston: I'll be transferring to the University of Buenos Aires and doing the internship on the side. Of course, I'm sad that I can't continue Oxford, but this was too big of an opportunity to pass up, it will basically guarantee me employment once I graduate.

Matteo: So you are really staying?

Gaston: Yes, and the best part here is that I get to be with all of you and Nina.

(Nina has been staring into space during the whole conversation that has been happening after Gaston said that he is staying)

Gaston: Nina, are you okay? Did you hear what I said?

Nina: You are not leaving again?

Gaston: No, I'm not.

(Nina gets up and kisses Gaston in front of everyone)

Nina: Promise me that I won't have to say Goodbye to you ever again.

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