« 🎕 » Chapter 1 - Rotten Luck

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(Y/n) opened her eyes, glancing over to the clock on her bedside table.

What? It's seriously 6:30 already!?

Groaning, she rolled over, having sworn the clock had read 9pm mere moments ago. With little resistance (Y/n) drifted back to sleep again.

Some time passed; (Y/n) wasn't quite sure how much, but the sound of her mother's voice woke her up this time.

"(Y/n), breakfast is ready!" she called from somewhere downstairs.

"Hurry up, or you're going to miss the bus!" a second voice, her father, chimed in.

"What..?" (Y/n) yawned, sitting up and looking over to her clock again.

"Ah! It's almost 7:45!?" (Y/n) jumped (but mostly stumbled) out of bed, frantically trying to gather her school clothes as quickly as she could.

"Are you up yet?" she heard her mother's voice just outside her bedroom door.

"Yes, mum. Why didn't you wake me up sooner!?" (Y/n) asked, throwing her uniform on hastily.

"We did try to warn you, honey. Come out and have some breakfast before you catch the bus, okay?" (Y/n) heard her mothers footsteps head away from the door right as she finished changing.

Throwing her school books and her computer into her backpack, (Y/n) hurriedly ran out of her room and down the stairs into the kitchen.

"There you are; I was beginning to think that you'd died up there!" her father joked, taking a sip from his coffee cup.

"(Y/n), please brush your hair before you leave," her mother almost pleaded before turning back to the cup of tea she was steeping.

"Oh! Right!" (Y/n) exclaimed, running back into her room to look for her hairbrush. After quickly giving her hair a comb and checking herself over in the mirror (Y/n) ran back downstairs again.

"And don't forget to-"

"I know, mum! I'm grabbing something right now," (Y/n) cut her mother off, grabbing a piece of toast off the table and taking a few quick bites of it.

"I was just going to ask if you'd packed all your books," her mum laughed.

"Yes, mum, I have." (Y/n) sighed, holding the piece of toast she had in her mouth while she zipped up her backpack.

"I think that's the bus," her father commented, leaning back on his chair to peer through the window.

"What!?" (Y/n) muffled through her toast, almost dropping it.

"Nevermind, that was the bus. It's leaving now." Her dad turned back to the table, taking another sip of his coffee.

"You've got to be kidding!" throwing her bag onto her back, (Y/n) grabbed a second piece of toast before sprinting out the door. "Bye mum, bye dad!" she called back to them through the food in her mouth

"Bye, sweetie."

"Have a good day at school!"


"Don't you think you're cutting it a little close today, (Y/n)?" a girl with short brown hair commented as (Y/n) opened her locker, the latter seemingly out of breath.

"You're telling me! I nearly missed the bus again, Aika! The bus driver nearly didn't stop this time!" (Y/n) sighed, shovelling her books into her locker.

"Mr Nakamura must hate you by now," Aika commented lightheartedly. "You're always late."

"Aika, you're not helping..." (Y/n) growled indignantly, only making Aika laugh.

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