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When we awake me and Elena was extremely hung over.

Bonnie wasn't too bad and Caroline was her normal bubbly self, which I could not understand.

"Breakfast is ready" she cooed from the kitchen.

Bonnie was assisting her and me and Elena dragged our sorry selves in for some food.

There was a spread of food now on the island replacing the alcohol.

"Thanks for clearing up" I thanked stuffing bacon into my mouth.

"Bonnie helped" I looked over to Bonnie who shared a warm smile which I returned showing my thanks.

"How arnt you hung over" I groaned to Caroline.

"I didn't even drink that much" she shrugged off as if she didn't want to talk about it.

I left it and continued to shove unhealthy amounts of food in my mouth.

"So are you going to break up with that phsyco today?" Bonnie causally asked.

I frowned at her confused.

Then my eyes shot open in fear as memories of last night came flooding back..

Stefan.. Kai.

I banged my head on the counter in frustration.

"It's for the best" Caroline added.

I looked at Elena to see her trying to eat off her hangover. She noticed I was looking and just nodded in agreement.

"Fine fine, I just need to find a good time, incase he tries to kill me or something" I laughed, but no one else laughed which alarmed me.

"Oh it was a joke" Caroline fake laughed and the others joined in.

Well that was reassuring.

"Hey Ez, I know you have a lot going on at the moment but me and Caroline would really like to speak with you, I think things will make a lot of sense after.. maybe" Bonnie smiled. She made me feel safe, and warm.

"Okay.." i shrugged implying her to go ahead.

"Not here.. not now" Bonnie said as she looked at Caroline for her confirmation.

She nodded and added.

"Maybe we can go to the Grill later? Matts hired it out for just friends tonight, could be fun" Caroline suggested.

"Sure, but no alcohol" that got a moan of agreement from Elena.

"Great I'll invite the boys" Caroline slipped off down the hall, phone in hand.

"Oh my god. I practically threw myself at Stefan last night" my cheeks burned as I looked at Bonnie as I didn't think i was going to get much from Elena at least for a couple hours.

"I think he enjoyed it" Bonnie chuckled.

"In fact I know he did" she laughed.

"Really? How" I asked, hopeful for some reason.

"Call it intuition" she winked.

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