Chapter 2

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Hey guys! So, I'm really sorry. I meant to get this up on Friday but I just never got around to it. So here you all go! Chapter 2! It's not my best work but, this is my first story so just bare with me, okay?

Anyways, I hope that you guys enjoy it. Well, the ones that have actually read it that is. And sorry if it's short. I will try and make the next one longer.

And if you guys have any questions or comments, I would love to hear from you!! Enjoy!!!

Two Years Later
"Brandon, you're gonna be late unless you move your tail end!" Pulling on his white button up, Brandon grabbed his messenger bag from his bed and exited his beldroom. He entered the kitchen to find his sister and daughter sitting at the table, breakfast set out in front of them.

"Daddy!!" Cameron's face lit up when she saw her father enter the room. She sat in her high chair at the end of the table, syrup smeared all over her face. Her light brown hair just barely brushing the top of her shoulders in loose curls. Brandon's heart swelled at the sight of his gorgeous daughter. She was the best thing that could've ever happened to him. Sure, he would've liked her to come later, but he wouldn't trade her for anything in the world.

His sisters voice shook him from his thoughts, "Hey, Lil' bro, you better get a move on unless you want Harry to yell at you again."

"Yeah, right. See you guys later." Running over to his daughter, he placed a kiss on her head. He grabbed a muffin from the counter and then made a beeline for the front door.


"Hello Mrs., are you ready to order?" A smirk spread across Brandon's face as he watched the girl sitting at the counter in front of him. She gave him a small smile as she laid her menu down in front of her. Leaning in closer, she grabbed a hold of Brandon's shirt collar and pressed her lips to his. They pulled away and he laid his forehead to hers, "I missed you."

Samantha giggled at him as they locked eyes, "I wasn't gone for that long."

"You were gone for 4 months. That counts as a long time in my book." Moving back, Brandon grabbed a cup from the dish rack and began letting it fill with espresso. As he let the machine run he turned back to continue conversing with his girlfriend who was now nose deep in a book. Leaning back against the opposite counter he admired the beauty that was Samantha Taylor. Her brightly colored hair fell around her face like a curtain and her deep blue eyes scanned the pages of her book. She was a tall, thin girl with hair that reached almost to her hips.

"Sam?" Samantha hummed in response.

"Marry me." Sam's head shot up from her book, her eyes wide and her mouth half open, "What?"

Brandon walked back in front of her and took her hands in his, "I said, marry me."

Sam stuttered for a moment before speaking, "Brandon, I-"

"Just hear me out okay. When I found out that I had a kid, I was terrified. Terrified that I would be a horrible father. Terrified that I would screw everything up. And then, I met you. You barely knew me, yet you still gave up all of your free time to help me. Whenever I needed anything, I could always count on you. You were always there for me. And you still are. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what I would've done. I love you so much. More than you will ever know. And Cameron adores you. She needs you so much. And so do I. So, I'm asking you. Samantha Marie Taylor, will you marry me?"

Brandon waited until finally she spoke, with tears streaming down her face, "Of course I will. I can't think of anything better." A smile appeared on Brandon's face. He quickly began searching around until he picked up a thin piece of wire that had been laying on the counter. Grabbing her hand in his, he wrapped the wire tightly around her finger, "I know that its not much, but when I get payed, I can get something better."

Sam examined the make-shift ring and then cupped Brandon's face in her hands, "I don't want something better. This is perfect." They both smiled, tears falling from both their faces. Brandon leaned in for another kiss when the bell above the door sounded, signaling the arrival of a new customer.

"Brandon." Pulling away from Sam, Brandon looked over to the person that has just walked in, the person that had called his name. His smile fell. This couldn't be happening. Not after all these years. It can't be.


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