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"i'm so excited!" julia exclaimed as we walked onto the set. as soon as we walked in, we were greeted by the director. she showed us to our dressing rooms before explaining that all the cast would be introduced when they arrive. julia didn't hear a word of it because she was too busy going through everything in our room. finally sitting down, she was eating a bag of chips.

"what character do you play?" i asked julia, flipping though the script.

"i dunno, i auditioned for practically every one." she answered, practically choking on her chips.

our door opened, leading to a crew member peaking his head in. "director wants you guy to come meet everyone else." he smiled. julia and i nodded before getting up and following him.

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walking into what looked like the cast lounge i saw the other cast members. their faces were buried in their phones so it was hard to tell who was who. there was a blonde, a brunette, and what appeared to be a redhead.

"arent there supposed to. be 6 of us? i only see 5." i whispered to julia, who just shrugged.

"alright everybody. the director will be here in a few minutes." the crew member spoke before exiting the lounge. i looked over at julia to see if she had anymore chips left. taking the bag from her i leaned against the wall, while julia sat down.

"y/n!" a voice spoke. looking up from my phone i saw....rosie?!

"rosie." i smiled through my gritted teeth. she came over to me an pulled me into a tight hug.

she pulled away before examining my features. "what have you been up to?"

i heard julia whisper the words, "she been avoiding you" under her breath.

stifling a laugh i answered rosie. "y'know, band, acting, stuff. im sorry to cut the convo short but i really need to use the bathroom.

"how about i come with you?" rosie suggested.

"um..." i looked over at julia for help.

"rosie, so good to see you again, what character do you play?" julia quickly intervened, allowing me to walk away.

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opening the bathroom door, i saw someone fixing their hair in the mirror. "olivia?" i spoke, significantly louder than i meant to. she looked over at me, not saying a word before going back to fixing her hair. "silent treatment? really? what did i ever do to you?"

"let's see, you're a liar, you're a cheater. sounds like valid points to me." olivia sassed, putting a finger up for every point.

"what the hell did rosie tell you?"

"that you guys were dating before we pulled the publicity stunt. y/n i don't care if we were fake, its still wrong."

"olivia why is this bothering you so much? it was just a stupid stunt. plus, you can ask julia or ted or amybeth. they all know that happened between rosie and i."

"just a stupid stunt? a stunt thats been going on for months, y/n. my career is on the brink of being ruined."

"and what about me! stop playing the victim, shit isn't always about you." i walked out.

Olivia Welch - Ethereal   || ON SMALL HIATUS||Where stories live. Discover now