Chapter 1

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On Melago:

Hologram Ra-Kel: I would feel much better if you thought it over and let me know your decision, Master Lee. As you know I am rebuilding the Jedi Order.

Talia Lee: Yes, I know, Ra-Kel. I just don't know if it's the right thing or not. Remember what happened last time we used clone troopers, they all turned on us.

Ra-Kel: Not quite all of them. Captain Rex, Fives, and Commander Wolffe, among others disobeyed Order 66. But, I don't plan on chipping the future troopers. They will all look the same, but ultimately they will have their own free will.

Talia Lee: How do you plan on controlling them and training them, then? I mean we have no jedi left and not much is left of the resistance, except maybe Chewie, Poe, Finn, and Rey. The others are all dead.

Ra-Kel: No, I know a few others that have gone into hiding for now. They may still be up to help us, but for now, see if you can locate the jedi master that seems to be hiding somewhere near where you are.

Thalia Lee: Understood, Master Ra-Kel. I will have R2-B2 search for any signals that may show signs of the jedi. I will report when I have found something. Until then may the force be with you.

Ra-Kel: Very well, until then. May the force be with you, young Thalia.

Thalia watches as the hologram fades, then turns towards R2-B2. R2-B2 chirps in curiosity then rolls towards her. Smiling, she kneels down next to her droid.

Thalia: R2, scan for any signals of allies or enemies.  I need to know what is on this wasteland they call Melago.

R2 beeps then begins scanning for any available signals. Suddenly, he begins beeping and whistling wildly. Then he rolls towards her. Thalia turns towards the droid and notices a figure cloaked in black in the distance walking towards them. She draws her green blade and ignites it in preparation of any conflict.

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