Chapter 2

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On Telarge:

Neddic Ralov: Captain! Where is the support squad? We can't hold them much longer. We need the backup immediately! Are they coming or not?

Captain Reinc: They should be here any minute, General Ralov. And they bringing the heavy fire power too. It shouldn't be much longer.

As soon as Captain Reinc makes that statement, a cargo ship lands near them. Jumping out is three soldiers and their commander. They run towards the jedi and his men as shots fall all around them.

Captain Reinc: Ah, there they are now, General. Just as I had predicted. Now we can turn the tide of this battle.

Neddic Ralov: I don't care what you predicted, Reinc. Either tell them to join the attack, or you die with the rest of em.

Reinc turns towards the approaching soldiers and informs them of Ralov's order. They turn to the battle and after a long battle, they defeat the remaining space pirates that had caused trouble. Extinguishing his blade, Ralov turns towards the soldiers.

Neddic Ralov: About time ya showed up. Next time don't make me wait so long or I handle it myself. Understood?

Commander Priel: Understood, General. I have a incoming transmission, sir. Not sure who it's from or where it's from. Shall I put it through?

Neddic Ralov: Yes, send it through. Someone is obviously trying to make contact, whether it be friend or foe, I don't know. I'd prefer it be an ally.

Commander Priel pulls out a mobile hologram beacon and plays the transmission. As the holograms appears, Ralov's droid R4-D9 beeps.

Neddic Ralov: Yes, ik R4, but we will deal with that when the time comes. For now, we listen to this message and find out who's trying to make contact.

He turns towards the hologram as it begins to speak.

Hologram Ra-Kel: General, my name is Ra-Kel and I am asking you for help. I'm sure you are aware of the events that have taken place. There are few jedi left, most of which have gone into hiding somewhere. And the Resistance is all but gone as well. I am rebuilding the Jedi Order and am asking you to take a seat on the council. Consider it and let me know where you stand, Master Ralov. May the force be with you.

The hologram fades and Ralov stare intently into the distance as his soldiers look at him. Turning towards his squadron, he considers what he just heard.

Neddic Ralov: Captain, load up the equipment and supplies quickly. We have a jedi to find.

Captain Reinc: Yes sir, General. We will get to it right away. Out of curiosity who is this jedi we are after, sir?

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