Chapter 2: Coming Home

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I was just looking at the little girl sleeping, I don't know what's gotten into me but I want to protect the little girl but I don't want her being dragged into the organization "Sharon" I was pulled ack from my thoughts when I saw my two friends standing in the door "Thank you for coming in such a short notice" i stand up giving the two women a hug out of all the people this two are the only people i really considered friends

"So what happened" i told the everything that happened and what i know about the girl "Oh poor thing, What's her name?" "Akira Yashikura" i look at the girl who's already waking up from her sleep


I wake up to the voice talking inside the room "Miss Sharon?" when i properly opened my eyes i was stunned of what i saw Yukiko Kudo and Chikage Kuroba, I don't know how to act so I just stare at them until miss Sharon talk "Akira this is my friends Yukiko Kudo and Chikage Kuroba" "You're the wife of Yusaku Kudo the novelist, Right miss?" I ask trying to act all innocent while inside I was clearly fangirling 

"Yes, little one that's me" she says while smiling at me, "How are you feeling Akira??" i look to vermouth who is looking back at me "I'm fine" i said while giving her a smile 'i look out of the window of the hospital room, trying to think of any possible things i can do with my new life, knowing that vermouth would take me in and i already meet shinichi's mother means hat somehow i can meet shinichi and maybe help him bringing the organization down, i was so focused that i didn't hear vermouth calling me "Akira, Akira are you ok?"

Vermouth POV

I was talking to yukiko and chikage when i noticed akira looking at the window you can clearly see that she's focused on her thoughts that she didn't hear me calling for her "Akira , Akira are you ok?" "I'm fine just lot of things in my mind" the girl answered "The doctor said that you can come home today its just a mild concussion with only a little rest you'll be fine

After we left the hospital we drive back to my house "We're her" I looked at the little girl in the back seat of my car to only see that she's peacefully sleeping, I can't surpass the little smile that grace my face 'what's happening to me, I only met this girl yesterday' I step out of the car and carry the sleeping little girl in my arms.

Akira POV

I wake up in a unfamiliar room panic surge through my body trying to recall what happened 'holy crickets! I'm in detective conan world'

Looking around the room the room that  I was occupying , I noticed that the room is colored by dark brown and beige and surrounded by what I can say is really expensive paintings, I was busy roaming eyes around the room not noticing that Vermouth 'Sharon' entered the room

"I see your already awake" I looked at the door seeing the woman leaning on the door frame smiling at me "Sorry, I was kinda disoriented" I chuckled smiling to her, looking at Sharon I noticed that her eyes is a perfect shade of light blue but as you stare in those eyes you can see a little of sadness showing "Why are you sad?" I asked innocently genuinely curious "What?" Sharon looked at me clearly taken a back from my question "Your eyes looks sad" I was shocked when she completely let go of her mask and looked at me with watery eyes "I guess, because I've been through bad times and done horrible things to people who don't deserve it" I stare deeply in her eyes noticing that she is being honest and letting her walls down for me to see the real person behind it

"Just because you've done horrible things, it doesn't mean that your a horrible person" I sincerely told her "I'm a horrible person Akira" "No your not, cause if you are I will not be sitting in one of your guestrooms and talking to you, your a good person sometimes bad experience just made us forget who we really are" 


I was looking at those brown eyes that is full of innocence and kindness,  I was taken a back of everything that she said, she might be just a 7 year old but you can clearly see that she far matured for her age 'Maybe there is still innocence in this world' I thought looking at the girl. I moved to her pulling her in a gentle hug, I know nothing about taking care of anyone but with her I feel like everything is easy

"Thank you" I said in her hair feeling her little arms hugging me back
"Thank you, Ma" She said with her face tucked in my neck, I was shocked by the endearment but I wasn't bothered by it, I felt this warmth spread through my body like blanket covering me

We stayed like that for a couple of minutes, until I looked down and saw Akira sleeping peacefully in my arms, I tucked the hair that was covering her face behind her ear "Akira Vineyard" I mumbled looking down at the sleeping girl while smiling

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