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I've been staying with Sharon for the past month  knowing her inside the anime itself rather than the anime I watch and read has a really big difference, she's sometimes cold but I can handle that knowing that she is not used on having a young girl roaming around her house , there have been few times that the cruel side of her is showing when she's with me and sometimes throwing hurtful  words to me just like what's happening now

"Maybe taking you in was a mistake" Sharon coldly told me, looking at her eye's I can't see nothing but  a emotionless cold pool of blue orbs looking back to mine I looked down trying to control the tears that want to escape my eyes "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Ms. Vineyard but I would leave as soon as I can. Thank you for your kindness" I looked at her with nothing in my eyes, but a shallow brown orbs that held no coldness, just plain emotionless. I bowed down my head and heard Sharon walking away from where she stood, I started walking towards one of the guestroom that have been my room since I went started living with her.

I took my old clothes the one that I was wearing when we first met and wear it, and left the clothes that she bought for me, opening one of the drawers I took out a piece of paper from the sketch pad that she had given to me and ripping one of the sketches I made and wrote a letter behind it, after writing the letter I turned the paper around looking at the sketch I made. It's a bright sunny day along with my sketch pad both me and Sharon is sitting on her garden, I was sketching the scenery and looked at Sharon who was sipping a cup of tea and reading a mystery novel. I smiled sadly at the picture I draw of her on that day

I walk out of the house quietly trying not to disturb her


After the incident I have with Akira, I can't help but feel guilty of the things I said to her which is really new to me since I never felt any guilt over the things that I have done before. I walk towards the door of her room, standing outside the closed door I knock on the door calling her out but only to receive nothing but silence "Akira, I know that your upset but can we talk?" I said while knocking on the door again

Still receiving no response from the girl I opened the room and saw no sign of the girl looking around I noticed that the room seemed un-touch like it had been before the covers and pillows of the bed is neatly arrange, I walked towards the bed and saw the paper on top of the bed side table opening it I saw a very beautiful sketch of me seeing the the ink on the paper i turn the paper around to see a neatly written letter addressed to me 

Dear Mama,

      I know that having me in your house, in your life was a big change. I thank you for everything that you've done to me for acting like my mother for a little while, I know that life seemed not to kind towards you maybe that's why you become cold but behind that coldness there is still kindness sitting around and just waiting to be noticed your a kind person cause if not you have never even spare a glance at me in the first place, I wish that I can help you see that there is still kindness within you and within this world. Sorry for giving you a burden, I'm sorry that I made you uncomfortable in your own home, but despite the circumstances I still thank you and I deeply apologize for causing inconvenience.
        By the time that you read this letter I may be somewhere now. I hope for your happiness, the world is not what it always seems there is always a another side of the story every story, I would love to hear yours and maybe share mine,  but like what they always says life is not always unicorn and rainbows. I hope that you find your light in the dark tunnel that your in, because everyone has a chance, everyone has a chance to change. I bid you goodbye Ms. Vineyard and wish nothing for you but only the best


I feel like an elephant was sitting on my chest, looking outside the window seeing that it's almost night I fear for the worst knowing that Akira was alone outside that she may be hurt or something for all I know without thinking much I grab my motorbike keys and drove out to find my daughter, while driving I can feel that tears are starting to invade my eyes, this is the first time I felt fear and not for myself but for someone. I drove around trying to find Akira until I saw a little brown haired girl walking  by the streets and I realize that one scruffy old man was following her I stopped the bike looking at the girl I noticed that it as Akira and she was wearing her old tatter clothes, I feel like my world stopped when I saw the man grab her and throw her in the secluded alley, without thinking much I run to the alley not noticing that I was holding my gun until I registered the sound of the gunshot I blink and saw that I shoot the man on  the shoulders but I can still feel the anger coursing through my body so I loaded my gun again pointing at the terrified man

"You dare to hurt my daughter" I coldly say still pointing my gun at the man, I was ready to pull the trigger of the gun until I felt two little arms hugging me "Stop, please" I heard her say as she burred her face on my back. I look behind me and met the brown eyes of the little girl that I've grown to love, it was filled with fear that made my heart ache more knowing that my cruelty pushed  us to this situation "Are you ok?" I said worriedly not bothering to masked the emotions that I was feeling "I'm fine" She quietly said to me, I crouch to her level tucking the lose hair of her ponytail to her ear, and what I see only made my blood boil even stronger her forehead was bleeding and you can already see the bruise is already appearing, I was about to stand up again and made the old man pay for what he did when Akira throw herself at me putting her hands on my neck burring her face on my shoulder and quietly said "I'm fine, you don't have to worry" I put my arms around her hugging her back , before gently standing up carrying Akira. I looked at the old man "I will leave you alone, but you will stay and wait for the police you will not breath a word that I shoot you, or I will hunt you down and kill you" I said coldly before walking away holding Akira closer to me as I mounted my bike and drive home


I was shocked at the whole thing that happened back in the alley but one thing that made me confuse is why Miss. Sharon went to save me, I remember seeing her eyes full of worry, for the first time since I've met her she completely let me see what she is feeling, the emotion dancing in her blue eyes. I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice that we arrive home, my eyes widened 'HOME' staying with her for the past months I didn't notice that I let myself get attach to her so quickly that now I consider her house my home, and wonder myself is it the house or the person I consider home

Even in my past life I don't have the greatest parents always busy working that I learn grow to take care of myself, I know myself that I don't  get attached to easily

"Are you ok?" Ms. Sharon asked me

"Huh??.... Fine.. I'm fine Ms." I look at her giving her a small smile

"I'm sorry" The apology shock me, knowing her in the anime she never apologize

"What are you sorry for?" I questioned in genuine confusion

"I'm sorry  that I snapped at you, taking you in was not a mistake" I just looked at her

"I think it may have been the best decision I made, I'm not kind, I have no experience in having a child with me. But when I saw you I have this urge to protect you to make sure that you are safe, and that scared me because I'm not used on caring for someone" I was shocked at her looking her she was nervous, then she look at me straight in the eye, blue meets brown, emotions exploding in her eyes

I carefully put my hands in her cheek "Your kind because If not you might just let me die in that alley" I say giving her a warm smile

"I want you to understand that I'm involve in something bad, I'm a member of a criminal organization Akira I'm a cold blooded murderer, I'm not aging I may look like Sharon Vineyard to you but I have another self"

"Chris Vineyard" I carefully said making her head shoot up looking at me
"How did you know?"
"I just thought. No matter what you did I'll be right here if you want me too, but everyone has a chance, maybe your chance is just not presenting herself today."

A moment I look into her eyes before she bought me into a hug "Let me take care of you" She quietly  said to me "Let me be your Mother" My eyes widened and I suddenly feel the tears welling I  my eyes I didn't try to fight them and just let them fall, it's been a while since someone held me

"Then let me be your daughter, Ma"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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