Chapter 31 - the unthinkable

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The next day everyone got changed into their school uniforms because today was the day we had our science fare.

My nights sleep sucked. With Ashley being in my tent, I wasn't able to sleep peacefully with her always sighing every 5 minutes loudly, and complaining every once in awhile about how I'm such a bad friend to her...

Don't know if she was talking about herself at this point.

But also, all night long I kept thinking about Dick and about what Sarah said about us being a "couple". What was the difference between being a couple or simply being friends with a guy?

Dick would never like me that way anyways. He probably sees me as his little sister. That's why I'm trying to suppress any intense feelings I may have for him too.

We got onto the bus and drove away from the campsite to a more urban area. I sat next to Sarah on the bus ride this time, because apparently she sat alone on her way to the campsite and I felt so bad for her.

Ashley took this to her advantage though and basically forced Dick to sit next to her by getting everyone else on the bus to take the rest of the other seats. Don't know how, but I guess being a popular girl had its perks with telling people what to do and them following exactly that.

I would sometimes peer over my shoulder at Dick and Ashley on the bus who were sitting a couple of rows behind me. Dick would be emotionlessly sitting while Ashley would be blabbering about something and twirling her hair, giggling.

I wasn't jealous or anything, I just wanted to make sure Dick was alright since Ashley seemed like a dangerous person honestly.

Dick caught me looking back at one point and I quickly turned my head away, blushing in embarrassment.

"Did you want to sit next to him? I'm sorry.." Sarah said next to me.

I stared at her. "Huh? OH no no it's okay! I'm happy sitting with you! I was just looking around the bus, that's all!"

"I know you're worried about him because of Ashley," Sarah said.

I sighed. "Is it that obvious..."

"You care about him, and Ashley only cares about herself," Sarah said. "I know that because Ashley and I used to be best friends 3 years ago."

My eyes widened in shock. "Wait really? What happened?"

"She started growing popular. It got to her head and she became a bully. She looked down on people who weren't pretty or rich or popular like her," Sarah explained. "I didn't want to change who I was to become someone she liked, so naturally she abandoned our friendship and now she hates me. That's why I'm so shy and it's hard for me to open up to new people. Trust issues I guess."

I empathetically looked at Sarah. "I'm so sorry that all happened to you."

Sarah smiled. "It's okay. I'm glad I'm the person I am now, because I get to be friends with people like you!"

I smiled back at her. She was such a sweet girl.

In about 30 minutes, we had arrived at our science fare location. There were heaps of buildings and a cargo train station as well. But it all seemed really deserted.

We entered a tall building with so many people in lab coats all around. It was like some huge laboratory building.

We arrived at the top floor through the elevators, and everything was set out just like our chemistry class with benches and test tubes on tables and all this experimental equipment. We got given lab coats and safety glasses to wear and sat down at the tables. Nobody sat next to another person as the tables were all separated due to this being individual work only.

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