A change of scenery

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He looked at her, "That, is your choice." His voiced turned stern. "The world isn't ready for it, and the natural born users aren't gonna be happy when all hell breaks loose." "All hell breaks loose?" I asked nervously. "Well obviously this isn't normal, and someone has to answer for it. They're gonna figure it out. That's enough for the day, look I'm rounding up all the users I've been able to find and we're gonna start some kind of halfway community up in the mountains. You're welcome to come, I won't force you. We can help you and you'll be around your kind" I stopped him right there, my anger burned at that sentence. "I'm fucking human, I'm not some kind of weird Fuck I want this to be done with. I wanna be normal!" I yelled out. "Blake.." Ty said reaching out to me. "Look kid, I'm here to help, you want my help you take it. Otherwise, go live a lie." He said with attitude in his voice. "Whatever." I started on my way back to my house and him and Ty continued conversation. She trailed behind me but caught up before I went inside. "Look Blake, Brian just wants to help us, we should go." I gave the thought a real look. "How, how do we possibly get out of our normal lives. Do we just disappear?" I asked her. "Yes.. we could hurt someone, we aren't just some random college kids anymore. Look I'm going, and I want you to go." She headed for her car, "I'll be back at midnight, if you want to come." She drove off I assume to get her stuff together. How can she just leave her family like that? What am I supposed to say.

A couple hours go by and mom comes home. It's about 11:45 p.m. as she walks in. I greeted her as she flopped on the couch next to me. "Hey mom good to see you." Her face looked puzzled. "What?" She asked. "I just wanted to say hello is that bad?" I tried to cover up my awkwardness. "Well it's good to see you too Blakey. I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm sorry for being weird there's just some odd shit going on around here I'm not quite sure what to make of it. Some people are calling it occult activity. I don't know. Eh but fuck work, let's watch a movie huh?" She asked. I knew I had made up my mind, I knew I should leave. So I decided to give her one good night with me. I sat back as she picked out a movie. Around ten minutes went by as she passed out, still in her uniform with her boots unlaced. Her hands were folded in her lap as she soundly slept. I grabbed a piece of paper off the counter and began to write my goodbye note.

"Mom, I don't hate you and this isn't a suicide note. I just have to get away for a little while, I'll come home someday. I love you."

Those last three words weren't said enough in the past few years and they pained me to end on. She had to know though. I grabbed clothes and stuffed them into a bag as I headed for the front door. I took one last look before I left. The smell of my house, the look of my living room. I was gonna miss it. I walked outside towards the road towards Ty's car, the lights were off and it was parked. I hopped in, "Are you okay?" She asked trying to get her car to warm up. I couldn't find my words so I just gave a nod. She smiled briefly and cut on the radio driving us on what I assume, was the only safe place I can go. She kept checking the directions on her phone as we headed up towards to mountain. Mount Phoenix was a tourist trap but there was a nature reserve near the peak, I assume that's where this camp or whatever was.

After an hour drive we pulled up to an old gate with a padlock on it. The sign out front said "Camp Helton." It was old and the metal had rusted and flaked away. Fitting, I suppose. Had to find somewhere people didn't frequent when you have freaks running around. A woman came out with a flashlight and removed the padlock and ushered us forward. She shined the light in, "Who told you about this place, this is private land?" Ty stumbled the words out, "Uh Brian met us." The lady smiled and waved us on. There were about four or five cars all parked in parking spots, the asphalt was cracked and dead grass grew in the cracks. She met us by the car and pointed towards the cabins on the edge of the trees, "Head up there and get some rest, breakfast is at 7:00. Glad to have you here." She hugged us and we grabbed our bags and made our way. The door opened with a break. I could see lumps on some of the bunks inside, which I assume has sleeping people inside of them. Ty looked at me and pointed at the two bunks closest to each other. I set down my bag and so did she. She crawled under the heavy comforter they had laid out and so did I. I could see her turn in bed and face me. I looked out into the darkness at her. "Goodnight, thank you for coming with me out here. I know it wasn't easy." I felt a lump in my throat at the thought of what I had done. "Goodnight, please get some sleep, we got a long weird day ahead of us." My eyes grew heavy and the smell of the cabin was the last thing I remember.

Old wood and hints of dust and charcoal.

A Curious turn of eventsWhere stories live. Discover now