Mourning A Loss.

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Groaning, your eyes blinked hard after your mind slowly drifted back into consciousness. Your body shifted against the cool surface of the small bed before your eyes sprang open, your arms jerking against the mattress to lift your body up and look around. Iron bars were the first thing you noticed within the cell that held you captive. You weren't even given time to look around said cell before you heard the distinct tone of Ultron's over-confident voice as he approached the outside of it.

"Oh, you're up. Good. For a moment I thought I had pinched the wrong nerve," he said in relief as he came to a stop in front of the cell. Staring at the metal man, your head pounded, your eyes straining as your vision regulated to the dimly lit room. "I'm not serious, of course. I'm not an amateur," he laughed, his shoulders shaking in his genuine amusement.

"What ..." you groaned, your hand rising to press against your aching temple. "Where ..."

"My hideaway. I'm sorry about the current arrangements. I haven't had much time to ... prepare for your arrival. I'll have something more suitable for you soon."

"Soon," you repeated in confusion, sitting up further to sit at the edge of the bed, brows pinched as you stared at the metal man, who seemed to be even larger than you previously remembered. 

"You'll be staying here for some time, so I suggest you learn to accept it."

"What do you want from me?" you demanded, standing from the bed in a sudden panic at his statement.

But your wave of confidence soon drained as the door to the cell opened, allowing your kidnapper to step through. His face was stern, red eyes serious as he approached, reaching his hand out towards you and making you take a step back. But when you did, you winced, a sharp pain running through your leg and making you wobble and tumbled back on to the bed. Scrambling, you made a soft noise of panic as you crawled back until your back bumped against the cell wall.

"Sorry," Ultron apologized, surprising you at the sincerity in his voice. "In order to regulate my strength and ascertain your limits, I had to ... test various amounts. I chose to do so on your leg. You may have a few bruises, but I assure you, it was necessary." Looking down at your body, you noticed that your clothing had been removed and replaced with what looked like a hospital gown.

"My clothes ..."

"They were in horrible condition after leaving Stark's lab. By the time I'd gotten you here, they were filthy and shredded. I took it upon myself to rid you of them in lieu of clean clothing. And should you have a medical emergency, this will allow me easy access to your vitals. You should be appreciative. Are you so ungrateful?"

You winced as his metal palm came to gently rest against your cheek, your head flinching away. "What do you want?"

"What I want ..." Ultron started, his eyes searching your face and trailing down to your chest, his eyes seemingly studying the heart that beat beneath it. His thumb gently grazed back and forth against your cheek. "... Is your heart."

"What?" you squawked, your eyes going wide. "You said you wouldn't –"

"Oh, no, no," Ultron scowled, a slight shake in his head as his eyes momentarily closed. "Let me rephrase. What I want is your compassion."

"My ... compassion?"

"Yes." Standing back up, he stood over the bed, his stature viscous, even when calm. "When analyzing Jarvis, it came to my attention that he was quite taken with you, as were you with him."

"What did you do to him?" you demanded again, voice uneasy as you were made to stare up at the monster before you.

"That's what I want. When Stark ... awakened me, he neglected to think of a suitable partner, and while I have mastered the art of replicating myself ... What I require is more of a ... companion." Turning slightly, he met your eyes just a moment before darting them away - a flicker of vulnerability.

"Why me?"

Sighing, he rolled his eyes in mild aggravation as he turned back towards the open cell door. "Honestly. Were you listening to me? I had thought it impossible for a human to have such feelings towards an AI, or vice versa, for that matter. But you and ..." His hand swayed circularly as he searched his memory. "Jarvis, have proved me wrong."

Realizing what he was saying, your expression softened. He was alone. For just a moment, you felt pity. He had taken you for the pure and simple fact of wanting someone to exist with. He merely wanted to experience what humans had taken for granted. And it was all you could do to keep your composure. As much as you felt for him, you weren't going to just allow your life to be decided, or yourself to be held captive.

"I thought you weren't an AI?" you challenged.

"Correct," Ultron nodded, turning back around with a slight smile, his hand gesturing upwards. "But I'm sure you can understand the similarity. It wouldn't be much of a difference from the AI. It would be an improvement if anything.  And since it's no longer involved, it shouldn't be –"

"What?" you barked. Ultron paused, realizing his mistake, his mouth parted in the middle of his words. "What do you mean no longer involved?" you demanded, sitting forward with another surge of confidence. But Ultron remained silent, averting his eyes in a moment of hesitation, and riling you up. "Answer me!" Sighing with an exhausted tilt in his neck, he walked out of the cell, closing the door behind him. In a flash, you were at the iron bars, shaking them with your growing anguish despite the pain in your leg. "Ultron!"

"Well, It's clear we're not going to get any further in our conversation today," he sighed, gesturing his hand about as he spoke. "I'll give you the rest of the day to mourn, have one of the drones bring you some food periodically. ... Pizza, was it? That had shown up a number of times in his footage of you eating."

"Ultron!" you screamed as he grew further away. What did he mean, mourn? Could Jarvis have been ... Was that even possible? You shook the bars again, tears beginning to well in your eyes at the possibility of losing him. Ultron had been right about that. You cared deeply for the AI. And in fact, could argue that you had actually never seen him that way. If anything, the ache in your chest was a testament to that fact. "Ultron!" you raged, the cell door rattling with your violence.

Thank you for reading! 

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