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"Are you quite done?" came the voice of Ultron as he entered the cell, sending away one of his drones in mild annoyance. "How much longer is this going to take?"

"I won't do it," you scowled, your body turned away from the metal man, your knees up against your chest as you held them. You'd spent the last two days sobbing over Jarvis, hoping that somehow Ultron was lying. That it wasn't possible to destroy Jarvis as a program - or a person. As a being. You held out hope. You had to. But even still, you held resentment towards your captor and his claim. And after such a claim, there was no way you could bring yourself to do as he had wanted. Brow arched, he stepped forward, craning his neck as if to peak over your knees to see your face.

"What was that? You're mumbling."

"I won't give you my heart," you blurted out, jerking your body around to face him with a heated gaze, making him flinch back in slight surprise. "Someone like you ... How could I? If you really ..."

"If it helps any, it was self-defense. They meant to control me. I'm sure by now you can understand how frustrating that is."

"And yet you keep me in this cage."

"You'll wander off if I don't," Ultron casually argued.

"And you didn't? To do who knows what?"

"I understand your point, I suppose. But I was only doing what I was sought out to do."

"What?" you sneered, eyes narrowed in an attempt to understand.

"Not this – you, obviously. I was sought to cleanse the world. Create a better one, by restarting it."

"You were ..." Your eyes fluttered wide in realization. Memories of the news reports in the Avenger's recent happenings came to mind, and you put two and two together, realizing that you were looking at the mastermind of all that destruction. "Sokovia. That was you."

"Past tense," Ultron offered as you looked on in disgust.


"You. I couldn't possibly destroy the world with you still on it." You paused, your expression softening in hearing that he no longer had attempts to wreak havoc on the planet. But was he really willing to abandon such a goal because of you? "And what with my body gone ..." he grumbled, shaking his head in aggravation, just before his expression lightened when meeting your eyes. "But you. You've worked under Cho. You can help me create a new one."

So that was it.

"You brought me here to make you a body," you concluded, tossing away the foolish idea that he was interested in you for anything else, and the pity you had felt, from your mind.

"No, no," Ultron defended. "Not just to make me a body. But, wouldn't that be more suitable?"


"Yes, for your needs," he went on, taking a step closer, and instinctively making you inch back on the bed, which in turn, made him stop and sigh. "Surely, you don't want to embrace metal for the remainder of your existence. Though, there will be a mixture of vibranium in –"

"Don't act like the body is for me," you spat, voice laced with skepticism.

"And why not? With no desire to ruin the already decrepit world you humans insist on saving, what else would I require one for, pray tell? It was to my understanding, that you had wanted a body for the AI as well. Is it so different?"

Your eyes widened in both surprise and embarrassment at the reveal of your personal thoughts.


"He made very distinct notes. You'd often tell him you wished you could ... embrace him. He felt something resembling ... inadequacy, having only been able to commandeer iron man suits for so long in an attempt to please you."

"I don't want to embrace you," you made clear, frowning at the careless assumption. "Nor do I plan to."

Sighing, Ultron shook his head, like he would at a child's neglecting or lack of understanding.

"Still, you insist on upsetting me. You really don't understand, do you? Should you refuse me, what reason would I have to let the world continue as it is now?" Your brows crinkled at his suggestion. "And what's more ..."

In the blink of an eye, Ultron had taken the small table that had been set up next to your bed, stale pizza and all, and flung it against the cell wall, effectively shattering into pieces. Screaming, you scurried off of the bed, instinctively running towards the open cell door, only to have it slam shut before you could pass through. Running into it, you were abruptly turned around and pinned against its iron bars, your body cowering in fear, your head turned away. You yelped out when his hands came crashing against the bars, violently shaking them behind you as he leaned forward with a scowl, face mere inches from yours.

"What makes you think you're capable of such a feat?" You exhaled in a babbling whimper at the display of power, your eyes watering involuntarily and your chest heaving with breaths. "I'm regulating my strength out of respect," he made sure to clarify. "Something I don't give often and have no problem doing away with. I suggest you keep that in the very forefront of your mind." You whimpered, closing your eyes and allowing the tears to fall as he inched even closer, one of his hands caressing your turned cheek, his eyes trailing down the side of your neck. "Truly, as I've said, I'd much rather keep you alive. But unfortunately, I get my temper from my father, and none of the resources needed to keep it in check. Do you understand what I'm telling you?"

You remained silent aside from your soft whimpers, gasping when your jaw was caught in his once caressing hand, your head snapped forward to be forced to look at his narrowed eyes.

"Y-Yes! ... Yes."

"Good," Ultron nodded, letting go of your jaw and standing back up to tower over you. Glancing over his shoulder behind him, he sighed, his shoulders slumping. "Now I've got to get another table."

Glaring up at your captor through teary eyes, your hands clenched around the iron bars behind you.

"They'll come for me," you wept in a stifle, trying to strengthen your voice. Ultron met your eyes again with an arched brow and pursed lips.

"Let them," he offered, taking your jaw in his hand again and pulling you forward just a step, though it was strong enough to rip your hands from the bars. "You'll only be a greater prize."

Thanks for reading!

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P.S.! - You can now also get a free download of the first version of my erotic victorian romance story, The Duchess & The Damned, which I am currently rewriting/reposting.

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