~)chapter one(~

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I was falling, down down into the darkness that was neither menacing nor inviting. That was my kind of place. A fifty fifty chance of being killed in the best trance of my life? Perfect. I wrapped my large wings around myself to ward against the cold. Huge snowflakes swirled around me as I fell deeper into the darkness. Until a blaring, head splitting alarm sounded. My open eyes snapped open for real and my hands flew up to cover my long, pointy ears. I looked over at the alarm clock on my bedside table. Sacrificing one of my ears, I slammed down on the snooze button, finally stopping the torture. I sighed and closing my eyes, hoping to fall back into the void. Of course, that was impossible. The euphoric dream was fading from my mind and the strange calm I had slipped away without a trace. Groaning, I rolled onto my side and propped myself onto my elbow to check the time. It was two am. Fuck me. I sat up fully and swung my legs over the bed to get dressed. I liked to be early to school so that Heath Jabber couldn't stuff Flickwillies into my locker, because he knows I'm terrified of them. Their horrifying little beady eyes and the disgusting noise they make, like nails on a chalkboard, and their the length of a human TONGUE! Horrific. Also, it takes two hours to ride there on my bike, school starts at seven, and most of the teachers are total assholes. I opened my wardrobe and looked through my clothes. I ended up taking a pair of green and white striped leggings and denim shorts. A cropped hoodie and a tank top with steel toe boots later and I was set. After slipping off my sweats (the only thing I slept in, literally), I pulled on a pair of plain dark grey panties and the a tight, lung constricting bra. I didn't want to be caught in a woman's store, Heath would make up a story of how I'm a slut buying a toy to play with and plant one in my bag to show everyone at school and I'll get suspended, and my parents would beat me to a pulp. Well, their not my parents, more like foster parents. My mother sent me away from my abusive father, sacrificing herself for me. And for that, I'll forever be grateful. After I finished changing, I grabbed my book bag from the bedpost and my phone from the bedside table. I already have my books and pens and pencils in my bag, as well as my other possessions.checking the time and seeing it was three am, I bolted out of the door and into the hallway. But then I froze, as I heard voices coming from downstairs. My foster parents Marilyn and Adieahn Fyjae took me in to cook, clean, and run errands. They didn't care about me and they didn't even try to hide it. They don't need to, as everyone here hates Fairies. I keep my wings wrapped tightly together and against my back twenty-four-seven, not only to protect them against dickheads who think it's funny to take a fistful of soft, dusty sea green wings and pull as hard as they can, but because there're huge. I can easily fold them to fit within my baggy tank and cropped hoodie, but it hurts, a lot. Wings take a lot to maintain and keep healthy. It would be alarming for a eighteen year old Fairy to be unable to fly, but in the northern region of Wonderland, Fairies are hated and frowned upon. So I've kept my wings hidden and I plan to keep it that way. I slipped back into my room and quietly closed the door. Then I turned and walked over to the window. There was a big tree with a lot of sturdy branches going down to, like, twenty feet off of the ground. And with the slightly less then average amount of gravity in northern Wonderland, it's hard to get hurt from a fall from that height. With this in mind, I held on tightly to my bag, took the leap and grabbed a branch. I set my feet onto the branch under me and prepared for the fun part. Letting go, I jumped to the ground. As expected, I fell slowly and landed gracefully on my feet. Then I jogged to my black bike, hidden slightly within the brush. I ran with it before hopping on and pedaling onto the gray drive. I lifted myself off of the seat and pedaled furiously.

>two 1/2 hours<

I chained my bike to the bars outside of the school. The sun was just rising in the distance, casting beautiful shadows across the mostly empty lot. Glosects fluttered around the grounds. The sight was euphoric. I turned from the beauty to the large doors in front of me and stared up the stairs. When I reached the doors, I stopped. I go through this inner conflict every day. I could leave, run away to somewhere where I'd be accepted for who I am. Or I could live through hell everyday to gain a medical degree and help the poor kids out there. I'll have to start over again if I ran away, causing me to have gone one step forward and two steps back. I want to help cure the sick, treat the injured, feed the poor. And I can't do that if I leave. So, I came up with the same conclusion that I eventually do everyday. No. I fixed my posture and opened the big doors. And began the next step in my journey to freedom. Both physically and mentally.

It took me like a week to complete this one part, so please be patient with me. I have school, chores, a life (somewhat). I hope you'll enjoy the story. Peace ✌️

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