Chapter 7 - Cole

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Opening the front door I sighed.

I could already hear the sound of the TV blaring from the living room. It was mom's favourite show, this one about a bachelor and women..

Dad hated it, but he loved mom enough to force himself through each episode. It was really cute.

And in that moment, I felt a lot less drunk but a whole lot sick.



Naturally. I threw up.

After I'd emptied my stomach— I was glad that they watched TV so loud— I leant against the wall, trembling.

I needed to eat something and not throw it up or I'd fall sick again.

But before that I needed to clean up this mess before someone else got home.. Someone meaning my siblings that were probably all on their way home at this moment.

Glancing around I quickly stumbled to the guest bathroom, nabbed a bunch of toilet paper and cleaning supplies and stumbled back out.

Just to come face to face with my elder siblings. Both of which looked absolutely— and I suppose rightfully— disgusted.

"He's drunk." Malya snorted.

I stepped back into the bathroom in surprise, because I hadn't heard her voice in.. I'm pretty sure, months.

I had almost forgotten what she sounded like.

I'm not exaggerating by the way. Both her and Ewen, my two eldest siblings, hate talking to me or even near me, let alone looking at me.

Deciding I was clean enough to face them I stepped out of the bathroom. "Correction, I was drunk. Not anymore.."

Ewen gazed through me as usual, but for a moment I could have sworn I saw him look at me, actually look at me with a look of almost pity.

Although it was probably all in my head.

"Ewen come, we have muito trabalho importante a fazer. Não podemos nos dar ao luxo de ficar bêbados o tempo todo, ao contrário de algumas pessoas" Malya said and stalked off.

Ewen glanced at me— again it was probably just my head— and followed our eldest sibling into the living room.

"I understand Portuguese too, Malya.. And just because I get drunk all the time doesn't mean I don't have important things to do.." I mumbled as I cleaned.

I sent up a silent prayer of thanks to whoever was up there, that I'd cleaned just in time for Rory and Kelya to come home.

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