Leo Freaking Spencers

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Peter and Leo. Leo and Peter. Two boys who have gotten closer and closer over the past four months. They have gotten so close that everyone knew that they had a crush on each other. Well besides them of course. Two of the most oblivious people in the world had a crush on each other.

Peter and Leo walked into the school together after they both skated to school. Just last month Leo had taught Peter how to skate. So Peter and Leo now skate to school. And everywhere else if they are going someplace together. Leo had met Aunt May, who loved him and Peter met his parents Ali and Maria. But he just calls them Mr. and Mrs. Spencers. Leo had yet to officially meet Tony but he had been near when Tony facetimed Peter.

Peter and Leo walked into astronomy and sat down in their seats that were right next to each other. Even though Mr. Vetter had moved the class many times, Leo and Peter were always somehow next to each other. Peter and Leo talked to each other with the occasional blush until Mr. Vetter started his lesson.

"Ok class, so today I will be announcing your big end of semester project after attendance." Mr. Vetter said as he sat down at his desk and started attendance. Everyone got quite and waited painterly for the teach to give them the project of torture that would be a bg chunk of their grades.

"Ok now that attendance is done, for your projects you will need a partner, which I will be picking so stop booking at each other Sheamus and Logan. The project will be on a planet of your choice, you will have to include the discovery date, mass, the planet description, and everything else that you guys have to put in. I really don't feel like listing all of it right now. So I have your partners picked out." Mr. Vetter started listing off people who were partners. He pretty much paired people who he knew would work well with each other. He even pretty much paired people with their friends.

"And our last pair will be Leo Spencers and Peter Parker. Now that that is done, start working on your presentations." Leo and Peter looked at each other.

"Kepler-452b?" Both of them said at the same time. Leo showing his crooked smile and Peter showing his shining smile. They both got to work as they did a presentation on their favourite planet.

Sadly, the bell rang and both boys had to stop geeking over Kepler-452b. They packed up their stuff and got to their next classes. Second period was one of the only classes that they did not have with each other. That and fifth period which was calc for Leo and history for Peter.

*Time Skip Brought To You By Capsicle*

Leo and Peter met up at their usual lunch table where Ned and MJ were already sitting. Leo and Peter sat down and the four started talking. Soon, the topic got to the school project.

"Yeah Ned and I got paired up after I threatened to kill Dylan and Vetter tried to get us paired up." MJ oh so casually explained. Leo widened his eyes not quite used to MJ's threats and Peter just shook his head at his friend who reminded him so much of Nat.

"Leo, why don't you come with me to the tower today to work on the project." Peter offered. Leo nodded his head and said he would just have to text his dad real quick. Once Leo got the confirmation from his dad, the plans were all set.

Because Tony Stark was Tony Stark, he told everyone about Peter's little crush. Well after he came out to all of them which was not long after. Nat said she already knew which Peter was not at all surprised by. Meaning that Sam and Clint teased him senseless about him having a crush on Leo.

*Time Skip To After School*

Peter and Leo skated to the tower sharing an air pod each while jamming out to music. The boys had pretty similar taste in music so they never fought over what music to play.

Once the boys got to the tower, they headed up to the floor where Peter's room is and they headed into his room. They set their boards and backpacks down and sat down on the bed. They decided to just hang out for a little bit before they started to work on the project since they knew what they were doing.

The boys talked about random things but the topic soon came across to the junior prom that was in two weeks. Neither of the boys had dates and Peter was thinking of just not going but when May, Tony, and Pepper found out, they convinced him to just go for like an hour.

When the boys finally decided to do their work, they went out to the kitchen to grab some snacks. As they were walking out, Peter was praying that they would not run into anybody. Instead, the worst possible people were in the kitchen. Sam Wilson and Clint Barton. Well shit.

The two men turned around when they heard more people enter the kitchen and slowly but surely, two big sly grins came along their faces when they realized who Peter was with.

"You must be Leo, the west coast boy?" Clint walked over to Leo and stuck out his hand. Peter was giving him the biggest death glare from behind Leo.

"I am the west coast boy, unless Peter knows another west coast boy. Obviously not hotter than me." Leo shook Clint and Sam's hand while Peter was blushing a little.

"Well, Sam and I should let you both get back to what you two were doing." Clint said dragging Sam out of the kitchen while the both of them snickered. Peter rolled his eyes and grabbed a couple of bags of chips and cans of pop before the boys went back to Peter's room where they sat and started their project, of course, goofing off as usual.

*Time Skip About An Hour*

The boys got quite a bit of their project done and now they were sitting on Peter's bed just talking. Once again, the topic went to the junior prom. Leo scratched the back of his neck and cleared his throat.

"Uh Peter, will you uh, will you go to the prom with me?" Leo asked, of course stuttering a bit as he was nervous. Peter widened his eyes. Leo started to panic.

"I mean you don't have to, I'm sor-" Leo was cut off by Peter kissing him. Leo almost instantly kissed back.

"Hey boys do- what the hell!" The boys pulled apart to see Tony standing there laughing and taking a video while Steve was freaking the fuck out.

"Ok that's it! No doors closed with you two together! In fact, you will have an adult there with you at all times! That is gross!" Steve ranted and quickly left the room. Tony was doubled over laughing.

"I think I should uh go home." Leo said, getting up. Even with his tan skin, you could see a tinge of pink on his cheeks.

"Yeah, let me go with you." Peter said, also getting up. The boys grabbed their boards and Leo grabbed his backpack.

"Use protection!" Tony called out.

"Mr. Stark!" The boys quickly left the tower and started to ride to Leo's place. Leo turned to Peter.

"You never answered my question."

"I thought the kiss was the answer, but-"

"Hey love birds! Watch where you are going! I'm walking here!" An old dude yelled at the boys since they almost ran into him. The boys apologized and the man walked off muttering about stupid love birds.

"As I was saying, yes, I will go to the prom with you Leo." Peter said as they got up to Leo's place. Leo did his signature smirk and grabbed his board.

"Well in that case, I'm glad you will go with me Peter Parker. See you tomorrow, pretty boy." Leo kissed Peter's cheek, who by the way, was blushing like mad, and headed inside. Peter rode back to the tower on cloud nine.

When he got to the tower he ran to the elevator and rode up to the common rooms. Now suddenly panicking. He ran to the living room where he heard Tony's voice.

"I need help! I have a date to the prom and I have no idea what to wear!"

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