Part 4

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We pull up to the familiar Cameron estate. Rafe turns off the dirtbike and helps me off. He takes the helmet off and brushes the hair tangled hair away from my face with a satisfied look on his face. 

"What am I doing here, why did you take me here?" I look up at him, he can see the confusion in my face. 

"I took you here to talk Alex." That smirk, I wish I could whip it off his face. 

He reaches to grab my hand I swat it away. I look up to see him grit his teeth.  I start to inch my way slowly away from him. Everything he does is so unpredictable. 

"Oh so now you don't want me to touch you?" He raised one eyebrow, I could see the anger start to creep up in those icy eyes. 

"don't fucking touch me! Your fucking crazy." I back up away from him. 

"You know, I don't like when people don't listen to me." His face went back to when i first met him. That icy cold poker face.  The way he looks at me makes me feel so small and powerless. He always has that crazed look in his eyes. 

"Stay the fuck away  from me Rafe." He suddenly grabs me and throws me over his shoulders. He grabs my ass as his sick way of supporting my weight while carrying me. He sunk his fingers into my ass. I let out a scream and start punching his back. 

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME" I grabbed, kick, scratch, anything to do to set myself free. But it wasn't enough. In fact, he tighten his grip on my ass. 

"Ill touch whatever the fuck I want." I heard him let out a soft laugh. He starts walking towards the huge front door he then pushes the front door and carrying me up stairs.

(y tf am i writing this) 

He brings me in front of some door, he unlocks it with a key and shoves me into the room I fall onto the ground as I see Rafe slam the door shut. I ran over to the door trying the door knob, to no surprised, it was locked. I back a few inches away from the door giving up hope. 

"I just need you to calm down before I figure out what I'm gonna do with you Alex." I heard Rafe's muffled voice from behind the door. 

"Rafe please let me out!" I try the door knob again hoping that somehow the door would unlock. 

"You need to calm down, you brought this apon yourself." I heard his footsteps storm off. 

"Rafe come back!" I turn the door knob as far as i could but it wouldn't budge. I step away from the door and look around to see a beautiful bedroom. The bed was huge and the windows seem to be as big as the walls. 

I walk to the bathroom to see a giant bathtub and another door. I try the door only to find it locked. This door  seems to be leading to some other part of the house. I look around the drawers in the bathroom, no key. I search the nightstands, no key. I sit on the bed in defeat, i wonder what the group is doing right now. I can feel my throat start to swell up and my head getting hot. I could feel tears start to well up, I just wanna go home. 

That's when I heard the door knob start to turn. I look over at the door as I watch it open. Rafe came in and closed the door behind him locking it. He turned back to face me. I rose to my feet getting up from the bed. He walked over to me standing right in front of my.

"Sit back down." He said with no emotion.

"Let me go." I spat in his face, his face winced and he wiped off the spit with his thumb away from his face. 

He lunged at me pushing me down onto the bed pinning both my heads above my head and putting his knee in between my legs. 

He stared down at me, I could feel his body breathing, I could see the sweat dripping down his face, I looked up at him to see him breathing harshly. He had a dark look on his face. 

"Let me go." I made sure he knew my tone wasn't fucking happy. 

He brought his face closer to my face and tighten his grip around my wrist. I winced and yelped in pain. 

I have an idea, I don't know how its gonna turn up, but it my get him to let me go. 

I swiftly brought my lips to his face and gave him a tongue filled kiss, he widen his eyes and pulled himself quickly away from me. 

His expression went from surprised to anger real quick. He put both of his hands on my hips and throwed me off the bed. I landed on my ass making a thud noise. I look up only to see Rafe made his way over to me. 

He did something that surprised me.

He grabbed my neck with one hand and slammed me against the wall, I let out a moan in pain. I but my hands around his wrist. I couldn't breathe. He had his body right up against mine pushing my body into the wall. 

He all of a sudden took his hand away from my neck and i fight for air only to find Rafe shoving his tongue down my throat. I could feel him breathing and his warm mouth on mine. He started trailing his hands down my waist tracing my body. He pulled his face away from mind panting only to analyze my face for a second before crashing his lips back onto mine. I felt him put his hands up my shirt and start to trace his hands back up towards my chest till he suddenly picked me up and threw me back onto the bed. He crawled up on top of me having me pinned under him. 

He bent his head down towards my neck and start sucking on the skin on my neck, I let out a whimper and he grazed his hand down towards my pussy. He starts fumbling with the buttons on my pants. He planted his face back onto mine attacking his mouth onto mine, i left out a painful moan. He was biting my lip so hard that it start to bleed. 

He pulled away from my face to stare back down at mine. He took his thumb and rubbed it across my lips to wipe the blood away. He then suddenly got off of me. 

"FUCK" He aggressively got up from the bed and stormed out of the door slamming it and locking it. I could hear his footsteps storm off down the hallway. I could still hear him yelling  incoherent words. 

I sat there stunned over what just happened. For some reason I wasn't angry. I just sat there with no emotion. I rubbed a little bit of blood off my lips and stared at the blood. 

Rafe Cameron is a fucking psycho path.  


I lay in the unfamiliar bed staring up at the ceiling. It seems that Rafe is keeping me locked in here tonight. I could see the moonlight flood into the room. I rub my eyes thinking about what's gonna happen to me tomorrow. Is JJ gonna save me? Or is Rafe gonna let me go? Or is he gonna keep me locked in here forever. 

Just then I heard the door unlock, I shut my eyes fast pretending to sleep. I heard the door creak open and what I assume is Rafe creeping in. I heard him shut the door and lock it. His footsteps approach the other side of the bed, I heard him get into the other side of the bed. I felt him press his body on to mine. I didn't dare to move.

I felt his hand graze the damaged part of my lip, I felt his body shift over on top of mine and felt him softly plant his lips onto mine. It only last for a second but the kiss felt warm and different from any other kiss. It almost had me wanting for more. I felt Rafe trace his finger done my side. I felt his eyes trace my body. Till he suddenly got out of bed and walked out of the room locking it. 

Your driving me crazy Rafe. 

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