my human pup

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Toni's POV:

I say tears streaming down my face as they sent me to earth in the last spaceship they had. I cried until I blacked out. After an hour or 2 i found my way to earth finally the spaceship crashed the whole spaceship fell apart.

I was scared because I'm not like humans I'm a human but I'm a wolf human at the same time. I'm the princess.

Cheryls POV:

I was writing my thoughts in my diary because my friends and I got into an argument when a weird looking spaceship came crashing down in,my backyard. The smoke was really high I was coughing while I was trying to find out what was in it. When I looked it was a girl she had ears and a tail.

It was very cute when she noticed my presence she hid behind a one of the pieces of medal I held back a laugh. Come on out it's ok I won't hurt you I promise,I say I stick my hand out as she sniffs it. As she discovers I'm not dangerous she starts to seek comfort from me.

I smile because she is so loss what's your name. Toni,Toni topaz I'm the princess of Megatron.

Toni's POV:

Um who are you anyway I say still kind of scared.

"My name is Cheryl,Cheryl Blossom to be exact it's nice to meet you Toni"
Well can you tell me where I am I don't really have anywhere to go. She looks at me then her eyes light up I swear I could get caught up in them all day. "Hey Toni" hm I say snapping out of my trance." you can live with me love".

Ok I say getting excited so we started walking back to her house we talked and learned about eachother she likes girls I do to she goes to school but I don't I told her my ears and tail are very sensitive but it depends on who touches It I guess. But I do have a secret that I didn't tell her I have a dick so I'll save that for later I don't wanna scare her away I really am start to like her.

We finally made it to her house it's pretty big. Cher you live alone I ask her as we enter her house."yes I do"
She takes me to her room it's like all red which I don't have a problem with its nice. "Hey can you shift" she says sitting on her bed. Uhm I don't know.never tried but I can though.
I close my eyes and think of me on four legs. When I do I start to hear my bones crack I heard it was supposed to hurt but it didn't.

I didn't know I was done until Cheryl awwwed at me. "You look so cute and fluffy awww". I was so confused so I tilted my head and stuck my tongue out she came over and started petting me. I sat there just enjoying it. I wanted to shift back so I did my clothes were still on I was surprised probably because I'm a princess. I jump on her and I feel myself fall asleep while she softly stroked my hair.

Cheryl POV:

As toni I felt her body go limp but not in a bad way. I stroked her hair as she fell asleep. She was so cute how her little ears would twitch every now and then i just enjoyed it. I need to figure out what I'm gonna do with her I dont need jughead or any of his friends being curious nor do I need, Betty or veronica. I swear they get so annoyying sometimes i dont even know how to tolerate them i always been the grumpy one anyway out of the group.

As im in my thoughts I feel toni starting to get up . hey love you wanna take a shower I'll have some clothes out for you ok she rushes to the bathroom while look in my draw for something to wear. I came up with some boxers a shirt with boy shorts I dont really know how  this got in here but whatever. Cheryl can you give me my clothes please". Yea sure I hand her,her clothes after I waited about five minutes she comes out with the clothes I gave her.

I hear someone knocking on my door like they keep ok ringing it over and over. Toni growls at the sound I pet her ear gently then I go down the stairs. I go down the stairs i see jughead sweet pea, veronica, Betty, fangs, I opened the door with an annoyed expression. Why are you dimwits here.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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