Sick Ruka(1)

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(I edited this again)-Roxxane

Kakashi as hokage had alot of work and always in a hurry ,He never had time with Iruka..Who was sick,He didn't realize that he was that sic ,Iruka also thought but knocked it off....not knowing how bad it could get ,Kakashi himself never knew because of his work until he and Iruka took a 1 month break,Leaving somethings to Tsunade Senju and a sub teacher...

Iruka's Pov

A new day! I don't think my fever got better ,Kakashi should be at work ,I'll brush my teeth and take a shower ,I'll make Pancakes!
After brushing his teeth ,Taking a shower,fully clothed and checking his fever
Oh dear lord it's 99.7!
Huh?!I think What was that a glass plate just fell,Who could it be in 10 in the morning!
Iruka goes slowly when he sees Kakashi is at home

Iruka: Kakashi ,Why are you not at work *coughs*

Kakashi: Oh I took a 1 month leave ,Tsunade-Sama will look after while I'm gone

Iruka:Oh that's great!|POV•|•In fact actually worse now I have a fever!

Kakashi: Something wrong?

Iruka: Oh u-um nothi- *Coughs* nothing.

Kakashi: Do you have a cold or something ,You've coughed already 2 time which is not normal at all |As he walks over to Iruka|

Iruka: Nothing's Wron- *Cough* Wrong

Kakashi: well let's check you're temperature then?

Iruka: I'm okay!

Kakashi doesn't listen and drags him to the bathroom gets the thermometer and checks it

Kakashi: It's 99.7.....

Iruka stays silent...

Kakashi : I'm getting you a doctor's appointment

Iruka: No Im okay! It's a little fever!

Kakashi: Really? No

Iruka: it was worth a try

Kakashi:Then I'm coming too


Kakashi: K I'll be coming back in a bit

Iruka: Ok

Kakashi gets his shoes on and goes to get a doctors appointment while Iruka stays back

Iruka:I'll just get a book to read

After reading the book for 10 mins

Kakashi : I'm back

Iruka:Back early huh? (Iruka says as he closes his book)

Kakashi: Why did you close that book? What is in there?

Iruka: Nothing

Kakashi:Then let me see(he says while taking off his shoes)

Iruka:Nope! (Iruka says while running to their bedroom to hide it)

Kakashi:Hey! (Still untieing his shoes)

Iruka: Bye! (Iruka has already hidden it)

Kakashi:Either way I'll find it

Iruka:In you're dreams! (as he comes out of their bedroom and shrugs)

Kakashi: Its already 3:00 pm!

Iruka: I'll go make Lunch ,What do you-

Kakashi: I'm making Lunch ,You rest

Iruka: No I'm making-

Kakashi: No you're resting(Kakashi picks him up)

Iruka: He- hey!

Kakashi:(Kakashi goes in their bedroom and puts him on the bed while he take his mask off)

Iruka: Hu- Huh?

Kakashi: Can I get a kiss now (Kakashi leans in ,only inches away from Iruka's face)

Iruka: Fine! (Iruka kisses Kakashi)

Kakashi: I'll be cooking Lunch!

Iruka: Hmph!

20 mins later( Insert Spongebob theme)

Kakashi: Iruka! Lunch is ready! And after we have you're appointment to the doctor's!
     No response from Iruka at all

Kakashi: Iruka?! (Kakashi goes in their bedroom ,only to find Iruka not there)

Iruka: Little does he know I'm in the closet (He says Quietly)

Kakashi: Found you (He opens the closet)

Iruka: How did you find-

Kakashi: We've been married for almost 8 months Iruka..( He picks him up again )

Iruka: You have a point...

Kakashi: I swear I'll protect you forever

Iruka: Smiles I love you

Kakashi: I love you too (He kisses him)

Kakashi: we're at the table (He places him on the chair) Now eat up you little cutie

Iruka: Ok ,At least the house didn't burn down..

Kakashi: Hey!

Roxxane: Its 706 words, My longest One shot ever ,It almost took me three days to write lol (Next: Doctor's Appointment)

Amber: 712 words now is it Love?

Roxxane: Shut up Amber

Amber: Say that to lily

Lily:I'm her sister

Amber: Oh sheet its still recording!

Roxxane:I have to do the outro y'know

Amber: Ok bye

Roxxane: As I was saying-Thank you for all the support and love! I love you guys soon much. Thank you for reading ,don't forget to-



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Bye Righties,Rock out!(Beauties)

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