Clumsiness (2)

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This is short and i'm sorry for that ,Please continue

Kakashi's POV

I woke up not or see Iruka there ,He must've been in the bathroom or something- And I heard a glass fall ,I got out off bed ,Went in the kitchen just to see,...Iruka with so much blood on his hand! And on the floor there was blood and Glass(Conversation time✨)

Iruka:Why am I Clumsy...Oh ka-Kakashi! What are d-doing at the m-middle of the night?

Kakashi: I should ask you the same,And let's go clean your hand

Iruka: I was getting a glass of water and I fell ,Sorry

Kakashi:It's ok,Now Cmon

Iruka: Ok I'll be coming in a minute!

Kakashi: No now Cmon

Kakashi drags him there

Kakashi: It's a deep cut

Iruka: I'm sorry

Kakashi: It's ok 'Ruka

Iruka: Thanks kashi

Kakashi: Well just have the bandage on for 1 week or so

Iruka: Ok

Kakashi: Hey how about I call you Ruru?

Iruka: That's a cute nickname! I like that!

Kakashi: Ok then Ruru

Awkward Silence

Iruka: Can I leave now?

Kakashi: How about I get a kiss?

Iruka: Not today Satan

Kakashi: Cmon?

Iruka: Fine....

(I feel like I write to much of kisses now)

(Iruka kisses Kakashi for about 3 seconds)

Iruka: Ok done,Im leaving the bathroom now

Kakashi: Stubborn huh? ( As he leaves with Iruka)

Iruka: Tired actually

Kakashi: Well it is 3 am

Iruka: Then let's go to bed?

Kakashi: Ok

Iruka: Can I have cuddles?

Kakashi: Sure ,Go on in (As they go in the bedroom)

                        ✨The End✨

Sorry for the long wait Righties,My tests are going on ,it's my second last test today and I'm trying to write as many pages as I can

And don't forget to-



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Rock out Righties!

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