chapter 16

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As soon as I saw the food my stomach started growling again. The fresh rolls, cheese, fruits and veggies, and most importantly, plastic ware! I heaped a plate with everything my eyes rested on and headed over to Mr. D's table, where all the satyrs sat as well. As I passed by, I saw Aspen looking uncomfortable, both physically and mentally. I felt horrible. I had completely neglected her since the moment we walked into camp. I had forgotten the promise that I would give a camp tour and I expect she hadn't. I was her only friend that she knew here and I had abandoned her. No wonder she looked so sullen and miserable.

Or it could be the fact that she was cramped with smelly campers, and was squished so much to the side that she was practically sitting in mid-air, but that probably wasn't the main reason for her mood.

I sighed. My appetite was gone, and instead I sat there thinking up ways to apologize for my behavior and picking at my food, which was so unlike me, the other satyrs started asking questions, which I was so not in the mood for.

"Guys, it's really nothing, I'm just, not feeling very hungry I guess," I shrugged.

"Whaaaaatttt???!" Blaise asked dramatically, a hand on his chest and eyelashes fluttering as if he had a tumor. "But you basically live on eating— well, so does literally everyone else, but, you know what i mean!" The others murdered their assent.

"I told you, I just don't feel very hungry, okay?" I got up and scraped the rest of my food- which was basically all of it- in the flames and left.

"You don't need to be so huffy about it," Blaise muttered under his breath.



uh yeah thats pretty much everything we've written for this story thats in order, but we do have some extra scenes that we wrote in advance during the making of the story, just stuff we had in mind. it was pretty much  

'hey when aspen gets claimed it should go like this'

'alright let's write it out while its fresh in our minds and put it in the stury when the timeline catches up'

so thosell be posted in the next couple chapters. for anyone whos been invested, i hope these extra scenes work as a form of closure because the storys pretty much done after this lol have fun 

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