chapter 2

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I was in third period, History, doodling in my journal when the news came in.

Some new kid arrived in school a few days ago. From what I've heard, his name is Ash Sherwood. Everyone's saying he's hot and going to be super popular. Maybe even more popular than Chase, and he's the most popular boy on the charts. From the gossip I've been overhearing, Ash has already hit it off with Chase and his best friend Noah and it has only been 2 days since he first came.

My friends Isabel and Natalie have been gossiping about him since the minute he arrived. Of course, they're always gossiping. I'm sure they even gossip about me. 

But enough about them. Let me introduce myself. I am Aspen Iver, known as the quiet 'mystery girl' in this school. I have this reputation for being the "loner" of this school. I seemed to be the only introverted person here, so obviously i stick out.

"Miss Iver," My teacher, Mrs.Shuddup called out to me. I jerked my head up so fast I could have broken my neck.

"Y-yes?" I replied.

"What is one way the citizens participate in the government?" She asked, smirking. I always knew she had it out for me.

"Th-they vote f-for representatives." I stammered. The class snickered at my stammer. I really did know all this stuff. We were in the last few months of school and I had read our whole textbook out of boredom. Twice. Go ahead, call me a nerd.

Mrs.Shuddup was about to say something else when the lunch bell rang. Freedom, at last. Everyone raced out the door and down the hallways to the cafeteria.

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