Chapter II Saved again

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     Once I was home my mom asked ,"How was your first day at school," I didn't want to say anything ,abut Randy because I knew she would look at me funny .So I just said,"Fine," Well we are going over to a new neighbors house .And you have to come with me .Okay ," Mom said ."Uh no ... I have homework to do ." I answered ."No you are coming ," She said with annoyance ."Ugh ... What ever " I said, then asked ,"Why do I have to go ?" "We have to introduce her to the neighbor-hood and your father would be going if he wasn't in work ,okay?" She answered with a smile obviously glad that I had agreed to go with her .Ugh... I really didn't want to go because I knew it was Jeff and Liu's house ,and all I could think about was how Jeff saved me not once but twice .These thoughts eccpecaly drove me crazy as me and mom were walking over there .
        My mother knocked on the door and out came a woman with dark brown curly hair and emerald eyes .The woman said,"Hello," in a really peppy voice ,and my mom replied by saying ,"Hello me and my daughter Jane came to welcome you and your family to the neighbor hood ,"while passing her the gift she had brought the woman and her family .She said," Oh thank you very much .Come in ," My mom tugged at my arm and we walked in . The house had pretty old purplish ,beige wall paper .The house was old and mostly in boxes .They only had a few pictures on the wall .I looked at on of the whole family and saw that yes this was Jeff's house .The woman said ,"My name is Margret Woods ,but everyone else in the neighbor hood calls me Margret ," .My mom said ,"Well ,Welcome to the neighbor hood ," and then the parents started to blb on about crap I didn't care about .Finally Mrs. Woods said ,"We are probably boring Jane to death ,OH she can met my sons ," I started to put my head in my hand and my mom elbowed me .Mrs. Woods started to walk up stairs .I heard Mrs.Woods knocking and then a irratated yell that said "What ?" Mrs.Wood said ,"Come met some of our new neighboors ," He aswsered ,"No," She replied and said ," That wasn't a question that was a demand ," Then she knocked on the next door and I heard ,"Yes Mom?" ."Come met our neighdors ," She said in a normal tone which she didn't have with the other person .And when I say other person I mean Jeff .She was ruder to Jeff .

      Liu and Mrs. Woods walked down the stairs .Liu said ,"Oh Hi Jane ," Mrs.Woods looked back up at the stairs and yelled ,"Come on Jeff," then I heard slow walks down the stairs .Down came Jeff .He just looked at the ground .He only looked up at me once .Before any of us knew it .The god damn parents shoved us into the back yard .Jeff just stood there looking down at the ground .I went over to him and said ," Thanks for helping me ." Jeff said,"Oh yeah no problem ," .He just looked at the ground .Liu said ,"hey ,Jeff What did happen to your face .It has bruises and marks on it ." I felt really bad .I said ," I am sorry you got hurt .Just to tell you ,you shouldn't of came and  helped me ." he replied by saying ,"It's not that bad .Are you okay?" .I answer ,"my back hurts ,but yeah I am fine ," I was so neverous I didn't even know why either because it's not like I like Jeff ... no I couldn't really have feeling for such a weirdo ....Wait what he is't weird right ...No Then I zipped back into realty so Jeff could say ,"i think your mom is calling for you ," I just walked back into the house and my mom said ," It's time to go ." Me and my mom walked out of the house as Mrs.Woods was saying good bye and come again soon .
     Once we were back inside the house my mom made me go run some stupid erens .I had to go to the store and pick up dinner and other personal things .I walked into the store and looked around .I turned to the deli center and was going to pick up some meat for I guess for roast .Then I looked over to the next isle and saw it was snacks .I walked into that isle and was going to snatch a little something for myself and let's just say that no one will know I have it .Not ever the store .
      I walked over to the isle that read SNACKS in bold .I waked over and leaned against the isle and slipped an candy bar into my pocket making sure no one saw me .I thought no one saw me until I turned around and saw Jeff standing there .I started to get worry and all I could think about was 'he is going to tell the manager and the manager was going to tell my mom ' I freaked out and just stood there in awe .Jeff said,"So you like to steal ay?" I quickly said ,"I am not stealing I have complete intentions of buying this ," He responded and said ,"You act like I am going to tell the manager ."I looked at him in shock  and dropped the candy bar and left my cart and ran .I thought of what my mom would say when I came back from the store without any grocciers .But my thoughts were interrupted by someone grasping at my waste as i tried to pull away .I was a man in an man .Trying to pull at me .I tried to get away but this was not only a man it was a full grown man .And there fore he was alot stronger than I .He pulled me into a back alie .I only got to yell once before he laid ed his hand over my mouth .I bent down to my size and was going to try and kiss me .I just kept on trying to shove his fat ass face away .This wasn't anyone I knew so I already kinda had an idea of what was going to happen .
      Finally after a few minutes of me trying to get this fat ass man off me ,someone came .I heard someone running but the man wouldn't move .The man got off me and he pulled out an gun .He walked back over to me and held the gun to my skull .He yelled out ,"COME ON OUT OR ELES THE GIRL LOOSES HER HEAD !" The person said,"Fine ,I... I'll come out ,"in an really shaky voice .Who I saw was Jeff stepping out from behind an trash can. I didn't want Jeff to get hurt mainly because when he'd helped me last time he got hurt .Jeff asked ,"Can't you let her go?" The man looked at him with shock and disbelief like no one had ever bothered to ask that question in there life .The man said ,"I will give you one chance to run and I won't give you another ." Jeff said,"No! why don't you fight me without an gun .Make it a fair fight ." He relied with an smirk and said ,"Okay .. But if I win i get the girl and if you win you can have the girl but you can't go off telling the police okay?" He said ,"Fine ...." The man ran at Jeff and before anything happened Jeff yelled ,"Jane, Grab the gun !" I picked up the gun .Jeff ran passed the man and grabbed the gun out of my hand and aimed it at the man's head and said ,"You make me sick !" He said ,"I didn't do anything to her ," in a shaky voice ."You didn't shove your fat tough down he thorough then ," Jeff said .Jeff aimed the gun down and shot the man's kneecap and whispered over to me ,"Let's run,"

          SO HI , um um I think that I will keep the story up even though it only has one see and no comments but I want to give this story a chance because I really like it and if someone would read it and give me comments then I probably put updates up alot faster ... so if that person could help me out and tell his/hers friends and kinda tell around about my story that be supper nice and just to tell him or her I have just started writing on wattpad and my story should get better as I become a better writer ... Well I hope your enjoying my story !

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