Chapter III School sucks !

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   This chapter is going to be long because I usally make like a medium sized one every week but not alot of people have been reading it ... but right now i have 16 people reading mer book . I'm going to continue this becasue there are people who want to see what happens... 

 After me and Jeff had got about a mile away .Jeff tried saying something, but me and him both were out of breathe .After a few minutes of paining and trying to get our breathes back I said ," Thank you so much !" "Y-yeah ,no problem ," He said with small breathes in the middle . "Hey ,I am going to walk you home ,to your house ," I would of said something ,but I was out of breathe .Afterwards ,Me and Jeff started to walk home .First ,we got on the bus and Jeff paid ed .We both sat in the same set ,because there where no other ones to sit in .Jeff broke the silence by saying ,"So how long has your little hobby went on ?" He said with a smirk .But it was a funny smirk not an I'm gonna rape you like the one Randy has . I kinda chuckled a little and he laughed .I said ,"Why are you laughing ?" He replied by saying ,"Your laugh," "Oh is it really that funny ?" We both laughed .By then we were at my house .He walked me to my door and I opened my door and walked in .

    The first thing I heard was my mom yelling at me ,"WERE HAVE YOU BEEN LITTLE MISSY !" I just yelled back ,"No were ," and walked up to my room and and my mom yelled "GET BACK HERE ," I just went to my room and locked the door .I put my head into my hands  and thought to myself do I seriously think Jeff is cute.I mean he has really really pretty eyes.Ugh... he is all I can think about .My mom came stomping up banging on the door .Yelling "GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW !" I opened the door and my mom said ,"Were where you ?" i mumbled ,"out with a friend ," She said ,"Which one ?" "Uhh... your so noisy mom" I replied in anger . "You are so hard to raise child ," She walked out of my room .I fell as sleep pretty soon as I got into my room didn't even bother with pajamas .I sat on my bed for a little before falling asleep .I just thought about Jeff thought so I honestly would have been better if I had just fell asleep right away .

     In the morning there was little beams of light shot-ting through my window .It looked so peaceful and happy .You could see the dust through the light beams .But that soon ended when my mom beat on the door saying ,"Honey ,get dressed ,okay .Are you awake ?" I answered ,"Yeah okay," My mom walked off saying ,"There's breakfast in the kitchen when your hungry ," I checked my alarm clock ,the one I forgo to set last night ,and it said 5:45  that told me that I had plenty of time .I slipped on a blue t-shirt with a Hood on ,some jeans and vans .I brushed my hair and tended to my general hygiene .I walked out and my mom asked if that was what I was going to wear to school .I looked at her and nodded yes she looked at e like I was crazy .I particular didn't want to go to school because of Randy .After just looking at the walls and the specks of dust . Then her mom interrupted her peace and said ,"Honey I think I just heard the bus .Come on lets's get going !" I walked out of my room and out the house as my mother said good-bye to me .

    I walked out of the house and approached the sidewalk where everyone was sitting about 20-30 people.I sat about ten feet away . Randy sat down beside me .He tried leaning near me to give me a kiss on the check and i shoved his fat ass face away .He put his hand up and slapped me ,so I got up and ran away .He said ,"Come back here I won't hurt you ," I ran up in to the crowd trying to avoide him .  I waited there in the crowd .I felt a grab on my arm and I ran .I ran back when I saw the bus .I got on and deiced to sit alone at the back of the of the bus. i hadn't seen Jeff nor Liu .i just sat there hoping that Randy wouldn't sit beside me or even come nere me at that .I heard the bus come to an complete stop and I was the first one to get on the bus .I wanted to grab a sit nere the fount so Randy couldn't try and violate me again .

     I sat down on the third set and soon enough I fell asleep .I surprisingly didn't have anyone bother me , until I got of the bus then Randy made a bold move for such a weak child .He grabbed me and shoved me on the ground and said ,"Come on kitty Fight me !" "Stay away from me you faggot ," I hissed ."Oh look at that kitty can hiss !"then he pulled me up and slapped me .My bottom lip started to bleed and I covered the bleeding spot .He said," Say something now bitch ," he said with his evil smirk .He shoved me down once more and started to stomp my gut .I yelled in pain and he yelled ,"SHUT UP, STUPID WHORE !" I yelled again I fear .Then He stomped down on my stomach again  .And a screamed again and this time silences .I heard a teacher coming and Randy evaded .The teacher was a woman with a bun in her hair and a pan suit on .She yelled ,"Stop ,right there !"The woman walker over and bent down ."Uh dumb hooligans .Let's get you to the nurse .I'll write you a hall pass .My name is Mrs.Baker ." Mrs.Baker helped me up and started to help me up to the nurses .

  ~~Jeff's Point of View~~

  Man. were is she ?I thought she be okay .I was walking to class and kinda looking for Jane .I couldn't see her .Then I saw a teacher helping her down to the hallway with the nurse .I thought oh man she's hurt .I wonder what happened .I'm pretty sure I know who did it (Randy) .He makes me sick .I wish I was there to do something or help her .D-did he oh please god no .The bell rang I really wanted to help but the teacher was helping her .I walked to class ,and 2 blocks later she came back with a bloody lip .Liu was in the other class but I imagine he'd be in shock if he saw what Randy did .

~~End of Jeff's P.O.V~~

   I walked in on my 3rd block .My lip was busted and only a few people looked at me .I sat down in the seat that the teacher assigned me the first day of school .It was beside Randy . I just sat in my seat and try to pay attention to the teacher ,even when Randy throw pieces of paper at me , and learn .(eye roll )

    After class was over .I had to use the restroom so I did even if I got a tardy slip for being late .(Whatever I didn't care) After I was finished doing my business I went to my locker and Randy met me there ."Haha you thought that just by being late you'd be safe from me ." I hissed ,"Go away ass hole go fuck yourself !" ."Shut up whore! " He shoved me on the lockers and slipped his hands up my shirt and broke into my bra .I tried shoving him off and he just slammed me harder into the lockers .He turned it around our positions I shoved myself off him and ran back to class .I sat there ignoring whatever Randy did .

   I went to lunch .I got nothing and sat down at the table by myself .I had the option of sitting with my friends ,but what would I say to them ,"Oh hey i almost got raped by Randy ?" No I wouldn't say that or I could say ,"Oh hey you know the new kid that looks like a freak .Well I like him ," No once more .I sat in the table farthest away from humans .I put my head down on the table ,stupid idea I know , and dosed off .Since i was asleep ,well more like half-sleeping or something , anyone could come up to me .I started to hear giggles ,but I had to pay deep attention to hear some of the things they said ,like: look at Jane . I ignored them until the giggles became hard laughter .Finally I lifted my head up .Liu was standing in the crowd and he pointed at his back .I threw my hand behind my back and removed a note it read 'property of Randy' and I knew exactly who did it .I ran up to Randy and stuck the note on his head and said ,"Go suck dick .Oh wait you already do that to Troy and Keith ," I laughed as his face got red with anger ."Shut up bitch !" he hissed .Everyone went away not caring about Randy .Randy shoved his hand around my neck .I grabbed his wrist so he'd stop hurting my neck he lifted his hand ,and was ready to pummel me .

   Then Jeff grabbed his hand and said ,"Stop it man!" "Shut up freak .You aren't going to stop me are you ... Yeah exactly your useless !" Jeff grabbed Randy's hand and pulled him down to the ground .Jeff stompted his gut in while yelling ,"YEAH I CAN'T DO ANYTHING ," Once blood started to run out of Randy's mouth ,Jeff ran away and grabbed my hand .He drug me into a jagnitor closet .He has saved me one too many times now ,but he was really cute when he did ."Thanks ,I am sorry about you having to deal with my problems ," I said with a slight smile ."Oh y-yeah no problem ," He spoke quietly .

   Heyo you guy who are reading .Um cliff hanger .Still new but I am writing on other stories to so if you want to you can cheak some of thouse thingies out :) but anyway I know that this chapter was really really late but I hope you guys are happy that it's out now .Bare with me on my spelling and typing :) Hope you enjoy and I will start working on the next chapter like now ..


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