Sam and cat season 2 episode 12 #the amazing butter

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Cat is making pasta, Sam comes in saying dumb that trash in the bin! And cat reply's with Sam that's rude it isn't trash, and Sam says nah cuz ima bout to make something beautiful! Cat says huh?

Sam says well you know how butter tastes like butt,
Cat reply's saying ahahaha I get it butt!
Sam says uh what no I wasn't joking it genuinely tastes like butt,
Cat says your opinion is so wrong!
Sam says not after I make this! Cat is really confused and asks what yo making?
Sam says it's a surprise!
Cat says ok?
Sam goes to make a very special butter and then 4 hours later sam calls cat to come in and taste her beautiful butter,
Cat says ok but I need toast
Sam says ok sure I'll make ya toast
Cat tries it and says Sam...
Sam says what
Cat says it still tastes like butt
Sam is annoyed and goes out to make a better amazing butter well not really amazing butter since the last one was a flop...
Sam comes home makes the butter and cat tries it and says wow this is great!
And Sam says great cause it took ages to make
Cat says she should make a butter business cause she can get tons of money from it
Sam says dang yeah I should
Cat says 4 kids are coming over their English and they could try your butter and rate it outta 10 and if they rate it at least 7/10 I recommend we sell the butter
Sam says well ok let's get started!
Cat says yayyyyyy

The next day

Chapter 2: 10/10?

The kids come over that Sam and cat need to baby sit,
Their names are Casey,Ellie,gabby and aoife
They ask if they can get kcf the fried chicken place that tastes super good and cat says ok but you gotta try this butter and the kids say can I have it with a roll of soap
Cat says well we don't have soup but if yous all ask me what soup you'd like then I can buy it for you!
The kids reply saying ok we all like chicken and vegetable soup!
Cat says ok I'll get a roll and soup
The kids say don't forget butter
Cat says we already got butter anyways byeeee!

Cat comes home with the soup and rolls and puts sams special butter on the rolls and when they all have the soup cat asks so what's the butter like
The kids say it's amazing what butter do yous use?
Cat says it's a secret so what would u rate it outta 10
The kids say well it's a 10/10!
Cat says yay! Ok I'll buy kcf fried chicken for you now!
And the kids say go do that

Later that day
Sam Sam! Cat says
Sam says what?
The kids rate it 10/10
Sam said really!
Background people(wooooooo)
Let's sell the butter
Ok Sam yay!

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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