Magical classifications.

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In the superhero dimension there are magical beings of all shapes and sizes.

I mean come on--if there are aliens, normal people, supernatural people, frickin' gods, demons, angels, and talking animals, then there's some magical people too.

But magic isn't the same as super powers. (I'll have to make a chapter on the difference and how they are related yet different)

There are beings in this universe who can harness this magic that rests all around. The unseen things people, even superheroes cannot see. Yet they can.

But not all magic users are created equal. So here's essentially the differences between these titles for magic users you throw around so casually.

Magicians: These are people with supernatural abilities that are in a kind of gray area. These powers can be more resembling super powers or more resembling actual magic. These beings are not technically considered proper magic users, as they have feet in both worlds, but tend to naturally fall more toward the superhero/mortal side of things. Examples of this class are Magic Man and Power Man.

Sorcerers/Wizards: These are where magic really takes off. These are people who can harness actual magic of various kinds and natures, but are limited based off genetics or predetermined destinies of unknown origin. They can use magic, but have a limit to how much they can use and how much they can learn to use. And they can also lose their magic permanently should a situation of that nature come. Examples of this class are the Bone Mage, Cody, and the Grandmaster of Magic (more on him in a second).

Witches/Warlocks: These are beings who are fully delved into the world of magic. They are capable of utilizing most any form of magic to their whim. Their genetic makeup is supernatural in nature, and they tend to be able to withstand more than any other being, aside from special cases. They cannot permanently lose their magic, as it would replenish itself over time should they 'lose it'. Examples of this class are the Priest, and Spencer.

These are how I've classified and differentiated magical beings in my universe.

The Grandmaster of Magic was merely a very powerful sorcerer who happened upon a magic book that contained extraordinary powers. But it took extraordinary power to use it.

The Grandmaster had enough to utilize its contents, but not without long-term effects.

As he used it more and more, he started contracting illnesses and aging quicker. He also became shorter over time.

The book was meant for witches or warlocks to use, not sorcerers. While the only reason he survived as long as he did was because he was a very mighty sorcerer (but didn't know it at that point), it did not change the fact that the magic strain still harmed him immensely.

He started slowing down its usage, but during the events of the Abyssal Invasion, as the very fabric of reality and potentially all the multiverse was at stake, he used his magic with vigor throughout the time.

It took a heavy toll on him.

He died shortly after.

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