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"We're not breaking any of our bones!" I tell her, angrily. "How do you expect to protect Paris with a broken... ANYTHING!?" I shout, throwing up my arms. M'Lady rubs her arm self-consciously and I take a deep breath. "M'Lady, I-"

"No, you're right." She chuckles, glancing up at me through her eyelashes, which makes me suck in a breath. "It's stupid."

"What else can we do?" I ask, considering. Ladybug goes back to thinking and I take the opportunity to watch her, smiling softly at how focused she seems. She frowns and looks up at me. "What?"

"W-what... what if we just didn't tell them anything?" She asks, folding her arms over her torso. I stare at her, thinking she was joking but she looked serious.

"Are you kidding? That's a horrible excuse! My father would never accept that! He'd draw conclusions and forbid me from seeing you anyway! It doesn't matter what we say, does it? I'm never gonna be able to see you again!" I cry, panicking.

Of course my father would forbid me from seeing Marinette after this. There was no way he'd let me continue seeing someone, especially if we disappeared together. Suddenly, breaking a bone didn't seem so bad. I turned to let Ladybug know this when I felt a hand on my face.

"He might be able to forbid Adrien from seeing Marinette but he can't forbid Chat Noir from seeing his Ladybug." She told me, turning my head to look at her.

"But-" She pressed her finger over my lips, stopping me. Looking nervous, she leaned forward and, standing on her tiptoes, kissed me. She pulled away too soon and I frowned.

"In case it doesn't work out." She whispers. If that's the case... I pulled her closer by her waist and kissed her hard on the lips, holding her body to mine.

"I'd rather break my bones." I admit, pulling away out of breath. She smiles softly and looks up at me, fluttering her eyelashes at me.

"Say you fell asleep somewhere. In the park, in a secluded area." Ladybug tells me and I frown.

"What will you do?" I ask, worried. I wasn't so sure this excuse would work and, even if it did, how was she going to get out of trouble?

"I have a plan. But when you get back, you have to act worried about me. It will seem very strange if you don't act like you care. Say you and I went to the park and that I said I wanted to visit my grandpa. We said goodbye and you decided to sit down, as it was a very tiring day. Tell them you must have drifted off and woke up in the park. Got it?"

"How are you going to get out of it though?" I ask, nervous. Her plan sounded good, aside from the fact she wasn't sharing how she was going to get out of it. She smiles at me and kisses me again.

"Who's the leader of this team? Trust me. You go first. I'll show up in around forty-five minutes. Alright? Just be patient until then." She says, stepping back. I hesitate then nod, knowing I didn't have any better ideas. I took out my baton and glanced back once more before vaulting off the roof towards one of the parks.

I landed in a dark spot near one of the benches towards the back and called out my detransformation words. Plagg flew out of my ring and I reached into my jacket for a piece of cheese to find it empty. Plagg groaned when I came up empty handed.

"I'll give you a huge piece when we get back home. Hide, Plagg." I tell him, holding open my jacket. Once inside, I let my shirt fall closed and laid myself down on the bench, laying there for a bit.

"Remind me what you're doing again?" Plagg asks, peeking out of my shirt.

"It will raise suspicion if I don't have any sleep marks on my body when I show up. This way, I can make sure they don't ask questions about it." I shivered. When had the night gotten so cold? I stayed there for a bit longer before deciding I was there long enough and got up to check my face.

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