20| Aftermath(Edited)

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You woke up in an alleyway, aches and pains across your body. You slowly began to stand, holding onto the wall for stability before you hear a familiar voice. "Y/N? What are you doing on this side of town at this hour? It's not safe you know." That say as they help you off the ground. Looking up, you realize it's Sero. You quickly thank him for the help.

You reply,  "God, I wonder why whenever we talk I'm always in pain." You laugh, wincing.

He then looks at you with worry, "Come on, it's almost past curfew. We should be heading back, but you still didn't answer my question.." he smiles.

"Well I should be asking you the same thing Spider-man." You remark.

He laughs, "Touché. Well, I heard there was a thrift shop that was closing over here. I just wanted to check if that had anything I wanted, but I underestimated the amount of time it would take walking over here.." You look at him and smile, he didn't seem like the kind of person who would like to thrift. But it's a sweet hobby.

As you begin walking back to the safer part of town, you begin your explanation, "I was really just taking a walk and decided to take a different path this time." You begin, "Honestly, I don't really remember what happened. I just woke up in the alley all battered and bruised." You finished telling only half of the truth. With the chip Antic gave you, you were being controlled, with an order to stay low profile and continue without suspicion.

As you and Sero got to the school, you quickly rushed in and managed to make it to your dorms three minutes before curfew. You closed your door behind you and locked it. Facing the door, you leaned on it and began to catch your breath, rethinking events of today.

Shaking yourself off, you dragged yourself to the bathroom and walked in the shower. You took off your clothes, the bandages that were rapped around your arms neck and legs and turned on the hot water. You just stood there, not really knowing what to think. Your memory was cloudy.

As you crawled into bed feeling a little better than before and reapplying new bandages, you thought, 'How am I going to go through with this, what do I need? How durable really is this place..' And as your thoughts slowly drifted away, you fell into a deep sleep.


"Oh shit! I'm gonna be late to class!" You shout as you quickly put on your uniform and stuffed supplies in your backpack. You sprinted to class right before Aizawa started his lesson.

Still turned to the chalk board, he says sternly, "Y/N. At least try to get here on time." He remarks as a few classmates snicker. You as you set up your test review on your desk, you quietly answer, "Yes Sir."


As you're sitting down in the classroom, you were starting to fall asleep. Some voices started whispering next to you, "Hey dude, something weird must have happened to Y/N yesterday." Sero whispered to Izuku with a worried expression.

He leaned in, "Really? What happened?" Sero then went on to explain how he found you bruised up and disoriented in an alleyway in an unsafe area of town. "You think she was drugged? Is she okay?!" He asked worriedly.

"I- I don't know." Sero sighs and gives him a soft smile. "You really care about her, don't you Midoriya." Izuku blushed at this and looked back down to his book and thought to himself for a little, slightly muttering in the process.

"I only thought of her as a close friend..until the fair...until now.." He muttered to himself. "Maybe I do have feelings for her, more than I thought anyway.." He mumbled the last part and shook himself out of his thoughts, 'Feelings aside, something bad must have happened.. I'll check up on her after class but, it's Y/N. She'll probably find a way to deal with her situation, I don't want to be nosy or anything..'

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