A normal day.

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Kaito Momota: POV

I heard my phone ringing. I guess its time for school.

I got my red shirt and my jacket. kissing my grandma and grandpa, heading to school.

I saw this boy, Dark Blue hair with a cap. His eyes sparkling. wonder what's he's watching.

I saw the bus arriving, everyone got on. I met up with Kaede, and Rantaro. and, Maki as well.

" Hey everyone! did you guys do your homework? " Maki said. she gave a warm smile to everyone.

" well.. I guess. " Kaede obviously didn't do her homework.

When the bus arrived, we got off immediately. the bus usually arrives early, so we all had 10 minute free time.

Around a moment later:

I saw that boy again. is he new? I haven't seen him before.

" Yo man, did you see that kid? do you know him? " Rantaro bumped into my shoulder on purpose.

" Not, saw him at the bus station. " I said, laughing.

Suddenly, I just cant take my eyes off him. Decided to head over to him.

" Hey! you new here? " I said, putting my hands into my pockets.

" Uhh... no...Im from Class Four B.. " He said, I gave him a annoyed expression.

Rantaro and Kaede went over.

" Woah? Shuichi? did you move classes? " Kaede said. Im guessing they are friends.

 His eyes sparkled when he saw Kaede.

" K..Kaede?! " he looks surprised as ever.  Like again, guessing they are friends!

" Rantaro, Kaito, meet Shuichi. The boy in our neighborhood! " She gleefully said.

" Why not eat Lunch with us? " Rantaro said.

" uh.. No thanks, I.. can e-eat with my other friends. " Does he have a serial killer dad? or is he just creepy as fuck.

" smh, whatever I guess. " Rantaro shrugged.

" Oh come on, well, see you later Shuichi! " Kaede gave a smile to Shuichi.

" B..bye?.. " what is he even confused about that?

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