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The Arachnidian are sentient spider beings that were created by Zysmae and Khrozma.

Arachnidia are not just ordinary spiders or arachnids overall. They have mixtures of your everyday human beings and spiders alike. They may be anthropomorphic beings; but they have many different traits that might blow your mind.

Note: The Arachnidian are a closed species. Meaning, you must ask me for permission to have a character of your own. These Arachnidian have rules and restrictions as well. If you break these rules or restrictions; then that is not a creature belonging to the Arachnidian species.

There are many species of Arachnidia that will be under two different categories. They are similar to their Earthling arachnids; but are much different entities alone. I have put a ton of thought into the creation of this species. If you have a large fear of spiders or you are going to just comment hate about my species; don't even bother wasting your time. Just ignore it and exit off of this book. It saves time and drama.

These are the two categories of the Arachnidian species:

The True Arachnidia-- These Arachnidian are less fluffy, or have minimal amounts of fluff on their bodies. They are also much smaller, skinnier and athletic hunters. These small structured Arachnidian are also more agile and swift; which make them excellent hunters. Most also have excellent vision, except for the orb weavers (which we will save for later.)

The Tarantulan Arachnidia-- These Arachnidian are very fluffy and much bigger and muscular than the true species. They're also very fast, but they're a little clumsier. Their visions are within the normal to poor range, depending on which subspecies there are. Some Arachnidian are more docile than the other as well.

This concludes the overview of the Arachnidian. Next up will be the external and internal anatomy of these alien creatures.

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