Most Common Arachnidia

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Arachnidian species range from common to ultra rare.

- Most common
- Very common
- Common
- Uncommon
- Rare
- Very Rare
- Extremely Rare
- Ultra Rare (5 or less exist for now.)


One of the most common Arachnidian are the Black House Spider.

The Black House Spider Arachnidian are in numbers of thousands and take up over 67% of the population. They reproduce like a wildfire and mostly birth hundreds of babies. The most babies born was from a lucky couple that birthed 1000 all in one egg sack. It was a super heavy load for the parents; but they managed to work everything out. Personality wise, these Arachnidian are incredibly friendly and social. Almost all work in successful jobs such as working in the planetary faction, military, ship maintenance, engineers and mechanics.

These spiders as well are very active in reproduction. They know how to control it, however if they can't find a mate (though it's kind of rare since there are also hybrids). Inbreeding is also a strict felony and will result in planetary exile. However, there haven't been any cases of inbreeding— as they genetically recognise their siblings and cousins.


Another most common Arachnidian is the Orb Weaver.

The Orb Weavers are in the big numbers of the population as well— consisting within 51% of the planet. These Arachnidian tend to be hyper sexually active and reproduce as if there was infinite land.

These Orb Weavers, however, are partially blind and each wear specified goggles; visors or glasses to navigate with sight. Their distinct patterns and large abdomens can help them hide in brush and trees in tribal lands.

Orb Weaver communities are 95% tribal and traditional. They each follow specific religions depending on what country or continent they reside in. Orb Weavers are also strictly heterosexual and monogamous. They all spit down upon those who get together with the same sex and shun those who are asexual/sexually inactive.

The 5% that are in modern society are accepting and forgiving of all species, sexuality and sexual preferences. They're not too social as their personality is more shy and introverted— but nonetheless they're incredibly friendly overall.


The third most common Arachnidian is the Brown Recluse.

The Brown Recluse are the third most common Arachnidian on the planet. They make up of 40% of the planet's population. These Brown Recluse don't reproduce as quickly as the orb weaver or house spider— but they can birth large numbers of babies in each egg sack.

The Brown Recluse are extremely shy in personality, very recluse (yes living up to their name,) quiet and antisocial. They're also vary in sizes— though they're mostly very short. Though with their personalities mostly shy; it makes it hard for them to reproduce or even date. Some Brown Recluse are excellent problem solvers in puzzles and code programming.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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