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momo's pov—


My best friend.. why? Out of all people..

I sigh.

I go to turn on my phone and open my Spotify. 'Song's That Remind Me Of Jirou <3'

I smiled at the name. Shoto's probably right..

I am a hopeless lesbian.

despair - leo. (the song above)

I hummed along to the song while thinking of Jirou. Did she really think of me like Shoto said?

I knew ever since we became friends her and Shoto got close. But I know they don't like each other..

Do they?

Nonono.. Shoto's gay! He wouldn't like her anyways. But that's not my problem..

What if she's STRAIGHT?

A soft knock took me out of my trance. "Momo?" Oh god..

"Come in!" A figure with purple hair walked into the room.

"Need anything Jirou..?" I say forgetting I have my music on.

"Oh yeah uh.. I heard your music and wanted to ask if I could listen to it with you.." She says hiding her face with her hands.


"Yeah uh of course!" I say with a small grin.

She walks over to me and sits on the bed next to me. I go to pull out my headphones so we don't disturb anyone else. I hand her the other side and pick up my phone to go to the next song.



"I uh- like your playlist name.." She mumbles.

Wait what? Oh NONONONO-

I must have been visibly freaking out because she puts her hand on my shoulder. "It's alright! Don't panic.. to be honest I have one of those playlists of you also.." She mumbles the last part but loud enough for me to hear.

"Oh uh cool! Sorry about that.."

She giggles making me blush a bit, "No need to apologize Momo! I think it's pretty cute."

I put my hand over my mouth.


I instantly turn on the music so she doesn't see me panicking.

I am so gay for this girl.

A/N: This is my first time writing a fanfic so I apologize if it's not the best! My grammar isn't the best either so sorry for that also.. I also tried to make a more different Momojirou fanfic where it's Momo pining over Jirou instead of the usual so sorry if it's OOC.


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