13. The unecessary infighting

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admit it, there hasn't been a day where you haven't been in a fight with another fan or seen one. whether this could be over what movie is god-tier or what ship is definitely endgame, most star wars fans have had an unpleasant discourse with another fan.

and all i have to say is...y'all are taking the war in star wars too seriously. so what if someone thinks your favorite sw movie is trash? what if they think your otp is a big fat notp? that's none of your business.

star wars is something to be enjoyed by everyone in various ways. so as long as you see someone with a different sw opinion from yours, let them be. don't let them ruin your peace, and conversly, don't ruin their peace.

that is, unless they're being a total pain in the ass online. dm me, let me join in the fight.

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