...Versus Reality

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Hey Tiffany...

You look great!! You have a great smile.

Your face is so smooth. Your gown is indeed perfect. Your skin is glowing and flawless. Your hair is on another level. You look good!!

Thank you, it means a lot.

What a lovely family... good parents, lovely kids. Nice family. The love in the air is astronomical. I would like for my family to be like yours. And you Tiffany, I would like my daughter to be like you. You're so perfect. It's like you're God's favourite! Lol.

Thank you, it means a lot.

Your parents are doing a great job training you. And you seem so happy.

Yes, I am.

Well, you're lucky!


That's what you see...that's what you all see. But not everything is as it seems. I mean if you believe that The Rock actually jumped from that skyscraper in The movie Skyscraper, then you aren't ready for life.

You can't believe everything you see.

You can't believe everything they say.

You can't trust anything.

You can't trust your friends.

You can't even trust that thing that beats inside your chest.

Behind all those beauty..and happy faces...and perfection...there's pain, anxiety, fear, trauma, self hatred.

You think you know me, well you don't. You only the part of me I want you to see. You can call me fake...but I'm trying to be real as possible... trying.

But like I said earlier...I'm done trying.

How can I....

Earth to Tiffany?? You did a great job today. You finally did something good. Well done.

Thank you, it means a lot.

Behind the scenes...is the real truth, reality...is just what they want you to believe.

My Suicide NoteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant