Chapter 4

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and I look at the girl then mattia and asked

"Who's she"

"That's jaylen she's kinda new aswell" mattia says

"oh well hey jaylen" I say uncomfortably

"hey ug- I mean gaia"jaylen says in a disgusted way

"well I'll be back ima go check up on Julianna before she kills everyone here" I say while walking towards the stairs

(Everyone laughs )


I saw Gia walk away and I was really disappointed in some of the members bc they were honestly kinda rude to Gia and I feel bad so I just shake my head and walk away from the group and go to my room

I was in my room and I was thinking about some thinks like how we have to give the money to our enemies but while I was thinking I heard a knock on my door so I snap out of my thoughts and go and open the door And see gia

"hey tia wanna come watch a movie downstairs with juli and ale?" Gia said happily

"of course" I said smiling

"Ok come downstairs when you're ready" she says

"Ok" I say while she starts walking away


I  just got down stairs and went to the kitchen to get some popcorn then I hear someone sit on the island behind me so I turned around and it was ale so I just sigh in relief  then he says something

"sorry did I scare you" he says

"yes you did dipshit"I say

"sorry sorry but can I ask you something" he says

"yea sure" I say confused

"What's Juli's fav movie" he says in a hopeful way

"it's like any horror movie" I say In a questionable way

"ok thanks"he says happily

"Yea no problem" I say

ALEJANDRO'S POV: I was walking back to the living room to set up the blankets then i see juli walk downstairs but she didn't look so happy so I asked if she was ok

"Juli are you ok?"I ask

"yea ig" she says

"you sure" I say

"yea I'm sure" she says unsure

"mk" I say upset

Ik something is wrong but she won't tell me


I started walking downstairs but I saw juli and ale but they both looked upset so I went to the kitchen to see gia so i asked her

"hey gia" I say

"hey tia" she's says

"do you know what is wrong with ale and juli"I ask

" idk bout ale but I heard juli and jaylen fighting upstairs and jaylen said some fucked up shit and juli is not that messed up of a person so that's why she probably upset" she says

I feel so bad for juli rn this is all my fault

"oh ok" I say with guilt

Honestly this chapter is short and I'm sorry bout that but I don't feel motivated to right more so I'm so sorry but yea no one really reads my stories so I might stop writing it

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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