(Scenario) going to a restaurant

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- picks a five star restaurant
- why is he eating like he is a royal 👑

*Y/n's thoughts*:
man he looks so good while eating, i don't even care what's around me when I am eating something i enjoy.

( A/n: not gonna lie same thoughts y/n)


Y/n: why are we in a walmart store standing next to fruits!
Rak: you forgot to add something
Y/n: dont tell me-
are we going to eat bananas?!
Rak: exactly turtle, you're clever!

-Has chose one of the best restaurants
- he's a scout duh
- you will probably talk about things like your teammates

-Has chosen a good restaurant with good food and ambience.


- Has chosen a naturally beautiful place to eat

- Has chosen a naturally beautiful place to eatExamples:

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Khun eduan

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Khun eduan

- he IS a restaurant 🤤

(A/n: okay i am joking haha, or maybe not 😳, whatever haha)

Khun Aguero:
- Smart enough to choose the place and food according your tastes 😏

- You both together decide what restaurant to choose.
- If it would be a date, you would have fun!

- Let's you choose the restaurant because is nervous that if he chooses, what if it doesn't suit your taste?

- would pick a famous yet nostalgic place to eat

Phonsekal Laure:

Y/n: i do understand that sleep is important.
Laure: correct
Y/n: but we are at McDonald's and its morning-
Laure: exactly that's why we should eat quickly and sleep again

- would definitely do a prank with you
- Doesn't matter what place untill the food is good

Khun Ran:
- Eats in silence because he wants his peace
- U may feel like he is ignoring you but dont worry✨, you are correct!!

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