3. i'll never let them hurt ya, i promise.

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I stayed where I sat.

I didn't dare move from my spot.

Our eyes met, and everything fell into place. There was no music, or special soundtrack in the moment. Our eyes just stayed glued to eachother, even as fellow classmates entered the room and stared at him, questioning why some random kid was standing in the entrance of the classroom.

Despite their staring, he made no effort to look back at them or move. I wondered why he was still just staring at me, and why I didn't just look away immediately. I didn't know his name, his interests, his life, or anything important about him at all. His cyan blue eyes were surrounded by black and smudged out eyeliner. Hell, I hadn't even noticed his eye color before due to the dark of night yesterday, but now, I was able to truly envision him clearly in my mind. 

But before I knew it, our centuries long staring contest ended, as he snapped back into reality. I followed suit. He looked down on his feet, and began walking again.

In my direction.

His dirty black converses moving up the stairs, without a sound.

Until he was on my row.

Walking over there couldn't have taken longer than 10 seconds, yet to me, it felt like I had been anticipating his arrival for years. I still wasn't exactly mentally prepared when he sat right next to me and sat his black messenger bag on the ground, even after the realization that he did so just because all the other seats in the class were taken. My heart was pounding in my head, I was shaking internally. I wasn't used to this type of anxiety. I hoped it would go away.

His legs were crossed in his seat, and he was wearing a faded worn in jean jacket, blood colored as I would describe it, with a couple of weird pins on it, a black band t-shirt with tight black skinny jeans to match. Well, his outfit sure didn't look anymore lively this time compared to that black sweatshirt and pants I saw him in last time. I wasn't one to judge though, I barely put any thought in my outfits.

No words were exchanged between us at first. He just sat there, unbothered with himself and anything around him. He looked chill, maybe even sleepy. 

It's not that I really minded that he was next to me at all, I was glad to know that he was okay, and even better, not dead. But I wasn't sure on where to go from here. I didn't know if maybe trying to talk to him would be okay.

I didn't know the first thing about him besides the fact that he was probably suicidal, in which I held no judgement on him for, but it wouldn't have exactly been a good conversation topic in the middle of class, if someone overheard us, I had no doubt that he wouldn't appreciate it in the slightest.

I hadn't tried to make any friends after the last incident, which was the reason we were here in the first place as I said before, I knew that friendship usually brought nothing but trouble, but I couldn't help but think this was different. I just felt, a calling to him. Maybe it was my savior complex, maybe it was this creepy sea town and the bone chilling salty air that was causing me to act this way.

Unsatisfied with the ideas in my head, I slowly turned my head to look at him again, worried that I may come off as creepy if he caught me, but instead, I jumped a bit in my seat when I noticed that he was already looking at me, and just like before, we were staring at each other. He looked unfazed that I had caught him staring. I once again looked deep into his cyan eyes, annoyed that this was happening again. I had about enough of this. It was now or never, I was gonna say something to him. I was never one for waiting around, perhaps that was a bit of an issue.

"Hey.." I managed to cough out quietly. The teacher was already speaking to the class, explaining things about herself. My greeting was first replied back with silence, and then a small quiet chuckle.

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