I Wish You Could See

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Summary: Derek confesses a secret after Meredith fell asleep on his chest.

"How can I help?" He asked.

Meredith Grey had a rough last few days. Her boss was nagging her over a deadline that he kept creeping forwards. He barely gave her enough time to complete the project, but it seemed that every time she saw him, he took a day off and she were struggling to keep on top of the project.

On top of that, her friend just went through a rough break up and was looking to her for guidance and she wanted to help her, but she didn't listen to any advice she were giving her and she kept trying to pull her away from her work that she desperately needed to finish.

Her stress levels were rising and her emotional stability lowering with every day and she needed some time to herself away from work and her friend. She knew that she shouldn't because the time she would spend relaxing and recuperating could be better used on work or helping her heart broken friend, but she needed a few hours to reboot and stabilize her mental health. She needed to breathe and calm down and Derek agreed and he decided to spend the day with her to help her the best he could.

"You can't." She replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

Derek sighed and sat down next to her on the couch. "How about we watch your favourite movie, The Intern?."

She shrugged again and Derek sighed, opening Netflix to put on her favourite movie.

As the opening credits started, Derek put his arm around her, pulling her to his side. Feeling Derek so close to her, Meredith felt a pang of sadness through her chest.

She loved Derek. And she knew that Derek loved her, but she loved Derek more than a best friend.

Derek was tall and had these amazing expressive eyes. He was wonderfully fit and had sculpted muscles. He was so talented and so smart. And Derek was so kind. He was loving, sweet, funny and caring and he would always listen to her and cheer her up.

It wasn't surprising that she fell in love with him. Derek was the prefect man.

She couldn't focus on the movie with all her emotions. Meredith were already emotionally unstable and Derek being so caring and close made her feel worse than better. She stared at the screen as the movie played, but she didn't watch the movie. Instead she were thinking. Thinking about life and Derek and everything she wanted that she knew she would never have.

Derek also wasn't watching the movie. Instead, he was thinking and glancing at her.

Derek loved her and wanted nothing less than the best for her. There was nothing Derek hated more than seeing her sad, like she were today.

Derek loved her more than anything, but he never told her because he knew he would never be good enough for her. Meredith deserved her knight in shining armor, and he wasn't that. He knew that he would never be good enough for her and that was something he had realized that years ago, and it hurt him.

Derek strived to be the best man he could for her so that maybe one day he would be enough, but he never came close to being good enough for her in his eyes.

Derek looked down and saw her eyes start to droop. Derek rubbed her shoulder and guided her down onto his chest.

Derek's action soothed her. Derek had a calming aura to him that helped relax her, despite how much it saddened her to be so close to everything she wanted and knew she could never have. So, she closed her eyes and leaned further into him.

Derek smiled down at her and lightly rubbed herr back. He kissed her forehead lovingly. Derek looked down at her and she looked so sweet and precious laying on him and he felt his heart flutter.

He just loved her so much.

"Mer?" Derek asked softly, but he got no answer.

"Mer?" Derek tried again, but again got no answer.

She must have fallen asleep on him. Meredith fell asleep on him a lot, so it wasn't something new, and it was one of Derek's favourite things. He just loved how close and trusting she were with him and he felt complete.

Looking down at her, Derek began to mumble to himself as he lightly stroked her hair. "When will you believe me when I tell you I care about you and I'm here for you whenever you need me? I get that you want space but I love you and seeing the person I love with such sadness in her eyes pains me. You are just too beautiful to frown... My god, Mer, I love you so much and I just wish I was good enough for you but I know I never will be so I can never have you when you're everything I crave."

What Derek didn't know was that she weren't asleep. She were tired and she wanted to sleep so she thought that if she didn't respond to him, Derek would just finish the movie and let her sleep. She weren't expecting to hear a confession like that from him. At first she almost felt bad for eavesdropping on her best friend like that, but Derek said everything she had wished to hear from him.

"You're everything I want too." She said softly, raising her head to look at Derek.

Derek swallowed and looked at her with wide eyes. "You were asleep..."

Meredith smiled and shrugged. "Derek, you are more than enough. I know you're there for me, it just hurts me because I love you too and I want more with you than just friendship."

Derek smiled sadly at her and whispered. "You're my everything, Meredith."

She pressed her face into Derek's shoulder. "I love you so much Derek Christopher Shepherd."

"And I you, Meredith Elizabeth Grey." Derek replied before pressing his lips to hers in a soft kiss.

all credit to this one-shot goes to 'ValGrey02' from the site fanfiction.net written in 2019.

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