Me and You

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Summary: meredith and derek fight and derek finds out mer is pregnant.

Meredith stood at the edge of the hilltop, looking down over seattle. The lights of Seattle were bright, giving Meredith relief from her thoughts for a few minutes. It fell to pieces within moments of her realising that he was here, he was behind her, watching her.

'What are you doing here?'

'I could ask you the same thing, considering that we don't even live here,'

'Like I asked, what are you doing here? I thought you had surgery till eleven,'

'Patient died before I could operate,'

'I'm sorry,'

'So what are you doing here?'

'I just needed...need to come here,'


'Does there need to be a reason?'

'We had a fight,'

'Yes we did. And you ran,' Meredith sighed heavily and nodded her head.

'I shouldn't have ran. I should have stayed...but all I could see in my head was my mother and thatcher fighting and I couldn't...I couldn't be that woman that stood sceaming at her husband because she was upset or pissed off,'

'Your not your mother and I'm not Tthatcher,' Meredith's head fell, Derek coming up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her, Meredith pulled his body closer to hers, inhaling the scent off his jacket.

'We're gonna have fights meredith, we're gonna disagree about things. Thats how a relationship, a marriage is. But you need to understand that just because we have fights and we argue, we aren't your parents. We're different people. I don't want to be my parents, that would annoy the hell out of me because I want to be us,'

'I just...'

'I've told you before that no matter what you say to me, I'm always gonna be there, I'm always gonna come back and find you. I understand why your so afraid but...I never want you to be nervous about talking to me in case I shout or get angry or upset. If I do, then so what, I'll get over it,'

'You can't get over this...this isn't somthing you just get over...It's gonna change everything and...I don't know if I can deal with change...we had already talked this through and now it's changing and I'm freaking out,'

'Ok, now your scaring me,'

'I was late,'

'Late for what?'

'I was late Derek...and it came back positive,' Meredith pulled the box and stick out her pocket, handing it to Derek. He looked at her, the shock written all over his face.

'Your sure,' Meredith handed him the scan picture.

'Seven weeks,'

'Your sure...there's no...I mean,'

'Derek i've had scans, I've had blood tests and I've done multiple tests...I'm pregnant,'

'But I thought...they said you couldn't,'

'Well I am,' Derek dropped everything, picking Meredith up and spinning her around. She laughed, wrapping her body around his.

'I don't get this...we...we said we were just gonna...we talked it though, we didn't mind...we were gonna adopt,'

'Well, you have about seven months then your gonna be a dad so get your head around it,'

Meredith was curled in against derek, drawing circles on his chest.

'He was was like he...I didn't expect that. Richard was...,' Meredith smiled, kissing Derek's cheek lightly.

'It's his first grandchild. My dad didn't expect that...he had came round to the idea of us adopting too. He's my dad and this is his first grandchild,'

'I thought he would freak about timing...your starting your second year residency next month. Your gonna be off for a while,'

'I don't care about that. All I care about is the fact we're gonna have a baby, me and you,' Derek kissed the top of Meredith's head lightly.

'Me and you,'

all credit to this one shot goes to 'natzbadfairy' from written in 2008.

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